Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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GIRL: And a set of headlights for my smile? CUPID: Listen, goon, a bright smile depends largely on firm, healthy gums. Ipana’s designed not only to clean teeth but, with gentle massage, to help gums. If your dentist suggests massage with Ipana, take his advice . . . and you’ll be started on a smile that’ll have men picking petals off daisies! GIRL: Oh, it’s you again! Well, it so happens I was just seeing how many petals— CUPID: Sure. Sure. Of course. GIRL: I was up to five— CUPID: Pardon me for suggesting— but wouldn it be more fun to fool around with orchids ? Okay . . . then start gleaming instead of glooming at men! Break down and use your smile! GIRL: My smile? You don’t know what you’re saying! Sure, I brush my teeth— but my smile’s like a storm-cloud. People run for cover— Pj-Q'L, ±Uj CUPID: I bet you see “pink” on your tooth brush. GIRL: Yes, and red when I look at you . . .you— CUPID: Look, my little petal-picker, forget me and pay attention to that “pink.” Because it’s a warning to see your dejitist at once. Let him decide what’s what. He may say it’s just a case of soft foods robbing your gums of exercise. If so, he may suggest “the helpful stimulation of Ipana and massage.” met pink tooth M " P Product of Bristol-Myers i