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"No, never!” muttered Mrs. Jackson.
"But, Alice! Your hair looks lovely! What is wrong?”
"That girl — that’s what’s wrong!” Mrs. Jackson fumed on.
"What girl?”
"Why, the one who did my hair! Honestly, it’s trying enough to have to sit for hours under a hot drier, but it’s downright agony to be overcome by a breath that is, to say the least, offcolor!”
"Oh, that’s it!” said Mrs. Gage. "Well, I can’t say that I blame you. That girl ought to be fired!”
Before any date be careful
And the girl was fired! This is just another random instance of how costly halitosis (bad breath) can be in business; Mrs. Jackson lost her temper . . , the girl lost her job . . . the shop lost a profitable customer.
Ho w Dare You?
When the penalties can be so dare you take a chance on others when Listerine Antiseptic offers such a wonderful precaution against halitosis. Almost immediately this delightful antiseptic makes breath fresher,
about your breath
great how offending
sweeter, less likely to offend. Get in the habit of using it night and morning, and between times, before any close contact with others. It gives you a wonderful feeling of assurance.
While some cases of halitosis are of systemic origin, most cases, say some authorities, are due to the bacterial fermentation of tiny food particles clinging to mouth surfaces. Listerine Antiseptic halts such fermentation, then overcomes the odors fermentation causes. Use it night and morning. Lambert Pharmacal Co. St. Louis, Missouri
Use Listerine Antiseptic >