Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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LOVES HER FANS In her flower-filled suite at the Waldorf FRANCES GIFFORD excitedly admitted the fun of being a movie star and having fans ask for her autograph . . . But there isn’t an ounce of conceit in this tall, slim Hollywood lovely with the chestnut hair and friendly, dark blue eyes, which are very blue when she wears blue, and greenish-blue when she wears green. A MODEST BEAUTY Beauty secrets? Frances modestly claimed she didn’t have any. While chatting with her, however, we discovered how she keeps herself looking so beautiful . . . Even when away from home, she washes and sets her own hair and has learned to do it expertly and quickly. As proof, she ran to get a small electric hand hair dryer to show us, and the bottle of shampoo she also brought with her . . . Her skin is oily, she claims, so she scrubs it twice daily with soap suds and a complexion brush. After rinsing with warm, then cold water, she rubs cracked ice, wrapped in a hand towel, over her face and neck, pats dry with another towel, then applies an astringent. Once a week she gives herself a facial, using a prepared one on the market, -or one she mixes by dissolving a yeast cake in enough milk to make a smooth-spreading paste. When dry, she removes it with warm water, then gives her skin the ice treatment . . . She likes alternating between powder or a pancake make-up, applied sparingly. OUTDOOR GIRL Frances loves to get tan as early as possible, but avoids painful burning first by using a baby oil, which she says gives her an even, golden color and keeps her skin soft and smooth . . . The reason her feet never bother her, she thinks, may be because she gives them weekly pedicures and wears low-heeled shoes for walking . . . She relaxes nightly by reading in a warm, scented tub bath. Then, before hopping into bed, she splashes on lots of cologne in one of the floral fragrances . . . Frances loves to eat! She keeps slim by playing tennis, bending to touch her toes a dozen times daily, and running with her cocker spaniel. Who is her dream man? None other than the nine-year-old heartbreaker — Butch Jenkins! Keep lingerie fresh and pretty with a Rie bath of color. Have more clothes the color way with All Purpose RIT Just a dash of Rit Scarlet, spiced with black. ; ... a new kind of dye guaranteed for ALL fabrics What fun to add sun-sparkled color to a faded frock with All Purpose Rit! Simply toss your dress into a dye bath — next day it’s a saucy new shade! Never a thought, never a fear that your fabric won’t "take” the color — because, unlike old fashioned dyes, All Purpose Rit is guaranteed for all materials. So start today to give those dingy, dated things fresh young charm with color. Neatest trick we know to turn a compliment your way — and save a pretty penny as you do it. Several packages of All Purpose Rit today will give your wardrobe a trousseau look tomorrow! FREE DYEING BOOKLET gives you color-fashion tips for smartening up your wardrobe. Address All Purpose RIT PRODUCTS CORPORATION 1401 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 7, Illinois Please send me your FREE BOOKLET, "Ten Ways to Smarten Your Wardrobe with Color.” Name *Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. TINTS and DYES Zone State _ Last year’s dress, but this year’s fashion with color by All Purpose Rit. T reat last year’s blouse to a spritely new shade with All Purpose Rit. U-io P H 0 T 0 P L A Y 103