Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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GIRLS I Want quick curls ? WHAT girl doesn’t want quick curls these days! Especially when that favorite fella gives you a call at the last minute. With New Wildroot Hair Set can set that favorite hairdo in less time. It’s absolutely tops for quick good grooming that’s so important these days. New Wildroot Hair Set contains processed Lanolin. Leaves any textureofhair soft, natural-looking, and at its lovely best. Replaces old-fashioned thick gummy wave sets. Light bodied. Faster drying. Lets you style your favorite hair-do at home quickly, without fuss or disappointment. NEW WILDROOT For a skin that looks and it feels radiantly clean AMBROSIA The Liquid Facial Cleanser — at Leading Drug and Department Stores — 35£, 75tf, 1.25 Bedtime Story ( Continued from page 67) But there’s still another chapter to Gail’s bedtime story. It goes under the heading of “Hands.” Whenever she buys a new toothbrush, she buys two of them — in different colors. One is for her fingernails. Each evening before putting on her cold cream she gives her nails a good scrubbing with soap. Then the cold creaming of her face softens her nails at the same time. And her last move before turning out the light is to rub on some cuticle cream, covering her hands for the night with white cotton gloves to keep the oil on her nails— not on the sheets. But to each her own bedtime story. Each or us .must plot her own. However, this rough outline should be applicable, with variations, for all of us: 1. Since cleanliness is not only next to godliness, but the first step to good health and good looks — cleanse your face You may either use two coats of cold cream to msure thorough cleanliness (like Rita Hayworth and Maureen O’Hara) or you may use first cold cream and then soap and warm water, followed by cold. This latter method is preferred not only by Gail Russell, but also by Diana Lynn, Dorothy Lamour, Betty Hutton and Ella Raines But there are the soap and water gals — anc you may be one of them. Audrey Totter and Esther Williams are firmly fixed in this school of thought. And right here let me stop and point out something: Every one of those stars wastes no time while applying the cleansing cream which they leave on for twenty minutes before removing. Maureen O’Hara reads a bedtime story to her daughter Bronwyn during the absorbing period.” Ellen Drew lies on the floor with her feet elevated on a chair, so as to give her face the benefit ot blood circulation. 2. Care of your hair. Brush it— and brush it thoroughly. Not only does brushing cleanse the hair and scalp, but it aids growth and sheen. Remember, the smart way to wield the brush is to stretch out across your bed, with your head hanging over the side. This combines two things: Your hair is being brushed, while your face and scalp are being stimulated. . Exercise. Even if you have a magnificent figure already, remember it won’t stay that way without help. To keep you limber as well as to whittle the hips and waistline,’ Jil Sq ggest : scattering a deck of cards on bend^r’+hhT Plckmg them UP without <?ilngu-ithe knces. Another easy but worthwhile exercise is to lie on your back As lovely as an \eatifi rose is Photoplay’s June cover girl — On newsstands May 9th, or as FITS 7 LIKE YOUR SKIN I, too, crave beautiful contours like the SKINTEES Girl. Send me your FREE booklet on FIGURE CONTROL soon thereafter as transportation permits .NAME STREET ! CITY. p 113