Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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ladies. accept this challenge f \N // v**"\ " Vs| look what YOU SAVE! DRESSES " 10'. blouses a. Iftfl* 5^ . at v «acli NECKTIES a« little 1 C as ■ «ach Experf Results or double your MONEY BACK! The prettiest “pretty,” the frillies* frock, all come clean with Renuzit, America’s Largest Selling French Dry Cleaner! Dry cleaning at home is the modern way to save! No stretching. No shrinking! No after odor! Use it according to directions — if not completely satisfied, return the unused portion to Renuzit Home Products Company, Phila. 3, Pa., and receive double the purchase price. q, 39C I gal. 79C 2 9«L*J*55 Slightly Higher West of Rocky Mts. renuzit 126 Everything Cowes Clean With BEWIIT FRENCH DRY CLEANER For Hard to Remove Spots! N FW I RENUZIT 1^ Eb It ■ SPOT AND STAIN REMOVER Removes Fruit, Chocolate, Lipstick, Grease and almost all other oil and water soluble spotsl adult person. It is not easy to give up certain possessions, but the gracious acceptance of an inevitable change and the recognition of the happiness of others will be a great reward to you. I would not be a bit surprised if tvhen the baby conies you find that all of your previous resentment has vanished with the fulfillment of your sister's happiness and the desire of your mother to have her near at such an important time. If you learn now to make the best of a bad situation — move to the smaller room, pretend that you really like it, and “ fix it up” as you did the larger room — you will have made the first step toward developing a sound personality. Claudette Colbert ( From the Philippine Islands comes this letter: ) Dear Miss Colbert: I am not eighteen years old. I began to go out with boys during the liberation of the Philippines, so all my friends were GIs. Even I got engaged with one, but he married another girl. That one must expect, since the men at any time may change their minds. I do not allow myself to worry about this, but I do mind one thing. I got so fond of the Americans and came to like their customs so much that I can’t get them out of my mind. Since they have nearly all left, it is a dreary world for me. I have other boy friends, Filipinos, but their conversation is not like the Americans’, and they don’t laugh as much or tease. They are accustomed to seeing women carry heavy loads, so they do not open doors or touch the arm across a street. I miss the Americans, I do in truth. Maria Q. Throughout the world there are thousands of girls in exactly your plight. Many of us in this country also miss the boys we came to knoiv during the war and may never see again. One of the by-products of war is the worldwide juggling of human emotions. Doctors and psychologists think that chances for happiness are better if you marry in your own environment and with someone who has been raised in your way of life. Remember that your present boy friends fought as hard as your Gl friends. They also were fighting to make a better world for you and for themselves. Through a mutual association with Americans you have gathered new thoughts and benefits. Why don't you discuss your ideas ivith your boy friends and let them tell you about their plans for a better world and more happiness? Give them the chance and I think you t vill find great happiness. Claudette Colbert Dear Miss Colbert: I am a man of twenty-one. Ever since I was about six, I have wanted to become an actor. As I grew older I discovered that there is quite a bit of work connected with the profession. Could you please tell me how to become an actor? The easiest way I suppose would be through some influential person, or to be so handsome that agents would be knocking themselves out to sign you. I don’t think that either will happen to me. Nor do I intend to leave home some fine day, land in New York or Hollywood and become a star over night. Now I know you must get many letters of this type, but please try to understand that I am serious in my ambition. Ronald G. REFRIGERATOR FOR Crowded Kitchens Here’s the answer for small kitchens — a BIG refrigerator especially designed to take less kitchen space yet give more storage space. Including a 25-lb. Built-in Frozen Food Locker! SEE YOUR DEALER OR WRITE! The Coolerator Company, Dept. MW-67, Duluth 1 , Minn. Dwarf Cactus $l.49 Be different I Have a CACTUS CORNER. Theae lovely, healthy miniature cactua are perfect for what-not racks, window sills, or table decorations It will thrill you to watch these tinv plants burst into beautiful blooms of rich colon. 1UST THINKl 10 varieties for only $ 1 .491 Every plant guaranteed or money refunded. Complete simple directions with each order — practically no care required. SEND NO MONEY — pay postman $1.49 plus postage or send money and we pay postage. WRITE TODAY Prompt answers get Resurrection Plant FREE. FITZPATRICK’S CACTUS RANCH, EDINBURG, TEXAS embarrassing scaly disease Psoriasis Appl non-staining De'rmoi . Thousands do for scaly spots on body or scalp. Grateful users, often affe years of suffering, report the scales have gone, the red patches gradually disappeared ; — — — they enjoyed the thrill of a clear skin again. Dermoil Is used by many doctors and is backed by a positive agreement to give definite benefit in 2 weeks or money is refunded without question. Send 10c (stamps or coin) for generous trial bottle to make our famous “One .Spot Test . Test it yourself. Results may surprise you. Write today foi your test bottle. Caution: Use only as directed. Print name plainly. Don’t delay. Sold by Liggett and Walgreen Drug Stores and other leading Druggists. LAKE LABORATORIES, Box 547, Northwestern Station, Dept. 9204, Detroit 4, Mich. ARE YOU PALE WEAK.TIRED due to MONTHLY LOSSES? You girls and women who lose so much during monthly periods that you’re pale, weak, “dragged out” — this may be due to lack of blood-iron. So try Lydia E. Pinkham’s TABLETS — one of the best home ways to build up red blood — in such cases. Pinkham’s Tablets are one of the best blood-iron tonics you can buy! Lydia E. Pinkham’s TAHICTS