Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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GOT A BOIL? HERE’S HOW TO GET RELIEF Apply a ready-to-use ANTIPHLOGISTINE poultice comfortably hot. Almost at once you’ll feel the moist heat go right to work helping to relieve the pain and soreness. You’ll see how it helps bring the boil to a head. The moist heat of ANTIPHLOGISTINE works for several hours bringing soothing relief. Feels good —does good. GET A TUBE OR CAN FROM YOUR DRUGGIST. FOR 80/1$ Antiphlogistine ANY PHOTO ENLARGED Size 8 x 10 Inches on DOUBLE-WEIGHT PAPER £ Same price for full length or bust form, groups, landscapes, pet animals, etc., or enlargements of any part of group picture. Original returned with your O Cl QQ enlargement. w y SEND NO MONEY Just mail photo, negative or snapshot (any size) and receive your enlargement, guaranteed fadeless, on beautiful double-weight portrait quality paper. Pay 5 J postman 37c plus postage— or send 40c with _ order and we pay postage. Take advantage of this amazing otter now. Send your photos today. PROFESSIONAL ART STUDIOS 100 East Ohio Street Dept. 1557-GT Chicago (11), III. I Dennison, Dept. T-145.Framingham. Mass. FREE Please send me a whole day’s supply of Dennison Diaper Liners. . State . of HEY, MOM! Don’t be a Diaper Drudge 1 Dennison Diaper Liners reduce unpleasantness in changing and washing my diapers. Just fold a Liner inside diaper next to my skin. When soiled, flush away. No hard scrubbing. Sanitary. Helps prevent diaper rash. Costs only a few cents a day. deluxe: 180 for $1; CRADLE TIME & DOWNEESOFT: 180 for 69*. DIAPER LINERS Wherever Baby Goods Are Sold STAGECOACH TO DENVER— Republic: You can safely skip this stagecoach saga based on the comic strip adventures of Red Ryder, with Allan Lane as Red and Roy Barcroft as a racketeering rat, aimin’ to cheat some settlers out of their property. (Apr.) yyST A1 RIV AY TO HEAVEN — Universal-International: An R.A.F. pilot hovers between life and death after jumping from his burning plane, his hallucinations taking the audience into an imaginary heaven where a trial is arranged to decide his fate. Brilliantly played by David Niven, Kim Hunter, Roger Livesey and Raymond Massey. (Mar.) STALLION ROAD — Warners: This leaps over everything, including common sense, to produce a film about veterinarian Ronald Reagan, ranch girl Alexis Smith and writer Zachary Scott. A lot of nothing about some ailing horses. (May) yySUDDENLY ITS SPRING— Paramount: Between two such lovelies as Paulette Goddard and Arleen Whelan, Fred MacMurray hasn’t got a chance, at least not in this frolicsome farce. Macdonald Carey lends ample assistance. (Apr.) y SWELL GUY — Universal: Virtue triumphs over vice with Sonny Tufts giving a colorful characterization of half-hero, half-heel and Ann Blyth playing a teen-age terror who pays the penalty for her mistakes. John Craven, Mary Nash, William Gargan, Ruth Warwick and Donald Devlin are in it too. (Mar.) yyiS RUE MADELEINE — 20th Century-Fox: Along the lines of ‘‘House on 92nd Street,” this highpowered thriller has Jimmy Cagney playing a grim game with the German Intelligence. A melodrama with plenty of punch to it, as played by Cagney, Annabella, Walter Abel, Richard Conte, Frank Latimore, Sam Jaffe. (Mar.) yyT HIS HAPPY BREED — Prestige-Universal: Another Noel Coward cavalcade, this time covering 1919-39. A somewhat slow-moving, sentimental story, glorifying the middle-class Gibbons family, their trials and triumphs told in Technicolored episodes. Splendid performances by Robert Newton, Celia Johnson, Stanley Holloway, Kay Walsh. (Mar.) yyT ILL THE CLOUDS ROLL BY — M-G-M : Stunning Technicolor songfest inspired by Jerome Kern’s melodies with elaborate sets, exquisite costumes. As Kern, Robert Walker does a swell job assisted by Hollywood’s ace entertainers, Van Heflin, Lucille Bremer, Van Johnson, Judy Garland, June Allyson, Kathryn Grayson, Tony Martin, Dinah Shore, Lena Horne and Frank Sinatra 1 (Mar.) TRAIL STREET — RKO: Another Western town gets tamed by Randolph Scott. Robert Ryan’s the honest land agent and Steve Brodie is the crooked cattleman. George “Gabby” Hayes does his usual stint. It’s another law-and-disorder film. (May) TRAIL TO SAN ANTON E— Republic: A routine Western in which Gene Autry tries to help out pretty ranch-runner Peggy Stewart who has a mean trainer. Featuring the Cass County boys and Champion, it’s only for the Autry fans. (Apr.) y VERDICT, THE— Warners: This fairly suspenseful whodunit has Sidney Greenstreet as a dismissed inspector replaced by George Coulouris at Scotland Yard after an innocent man hangs for another’s crime. With Peter Lorre, Paul Cavanaugh and Joan Loring. (Mar.) y WANTED FOR MURDER— Excelsior-Fox: If you go for creepy stuff, you could do worse than see this British-made film in which Scotland Yard tracks down the homicidal maniac guilty of strangling one girl friend after another. (Mar.) Dane Clark, as Barry Burnett , escaped convict who comes to a bad end, with pal Joe in Warner picture “Deep Valley” • Now, at home, you can quickly tint telltale gray to natural-appearing shades — from lightest blonde to darkest black. Brownatone and a small brush does it — or your money back. Approved by thousands — Brownatone is guaranteed harmless when used as directed. No skin test needed. The principal coloring agent is a purely vegetable derivative with iron and copper salts added for fast action. Cannot affect waving of hair. Lasting — does not wash out. Just brush or comb it in. One application imparts desired color. Simply retouch, as new gray appears. Easy to prove on a test lock of your hair. 75c and SI. 75 at druggists. Get BROWNATONE now, or Write for FREE TEST BOTTLE Mention natural color of your hair. Send a post card today — BROWNATONE, Dept. 286. COVINGTON. KY. Lovely solid sterling I silver cushion shape I set ring in your own I Blrthstone Color MRIfeQ SaTvE <! given for selling 4 plJ --i-— boxes Rosebud Salve I at 25c each remitting I the $1.00 to us. Send I No Money. Order [ 4 Rosebud Salve by one cent postcard. I (Will mail ring and 4 salve now, if you send $1.00 with order.) ROSEBUD PERFUME CO. Box 70. W00DSB0R0. MARYLAND. 5 95 Wear a different dress every day of the week for only 60c each. Assorted colors. Used, but cleaned and pressed. Minor re, pairs may be necessary. Assorted sizes only. \ Sizes 36 to 46 are 5 for $5.25. Send 50c deposit, balance C.O.D. plus postage. We aim to satisfy. Send for free catalog of shoes, hats, suits, army clothes, etc. EUNICE MAIL ORDER HOUSE [ Station B. P.0. Box 101, Dept. MFF, N. Y. C. DejHf^HAIR Temporary relief not enough — you want freedom Only by KILLING THE HAIR ROOT can you be sure your unwanted hair has gone FOREVER. The Mahler Method — used eucceesfullyall over the world for over fifty years — positively enables you to do this in the privacy of your home. It brings relief and social happiness lone denied you. Send 6c in stamps TODAY for illustrated booklet, “New Charm for Madame.” MAHLER'S, Inc., Dept 587 G, E. Providence, R. L PICTURE RING $1 EXQUISITE PICTURE RING-made from . photo. SEND NO MONEY! Mail photo with paper for ring size. Pay postman ONLY $1.00 plus pos— — Hand tinted 25 cents extra. Photo returned with ring, Money back guarantee. Send photo and ring 6ize NOW. Picture Ring Co., Dept. M-31, Cincinnati 2, 0 With False teeth USE EZO DENTAL CUSHIONS • Relieves sore spots on tender gums due to ill-fitting dentures. • Helps keep dental plate from raising and clicking • Helps prevent seeds from lodging under plate. • Helps plate fit snugger. • Helps you wear and become accustomed to new plates. • Enables you to eat meat, tomatoes, pears, celery. /s not a powder, is not a paste, will not stick to plate. ASK FOR UPPER OR LOWER IN ORDERING SEND 50c FOR 10 LOWERS SEND 50c FOR 8 UPPERS (No Stamps Please) MINIMUM ORDER OF EITHER KIND f0« EZO PRODUCTS GO. BOX NO. 9306, DEPT.V-38 PH I LA. 39, PA.