Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1949)

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PENNY It’s their ways with their wallets that put these Paulette Goddard might have cleaned up on publicity but for the cleaning woman’s query A PENNY saved — that’s news these inflation days. And the Hollywood citizens, like citizens everywhere, can’t figure out where their high-cost-ofliving money goes. Who are the careful stars of Hollywood? And by careful, I mean the boys and girls who think before they spend* and who spend a lot of time saving dollars and dimes. And don’t think I’m being critical of them, I’m not. Hollywood is too full of extras and bit players who were once stars but who didn’t have sense enough to save their salaries. And today the savingfor-tomorrow situation is even more important. Only a lucky few remain in the top earning brackets more than seven years. And during that time there is a heavy financial drain on star pocketbooks plus up to seventy-seven per cent income tax on top earnings. Okay, so who are the inflation beaters? Fred MacMurray’s respect for a dollar is now a What Peter Lawford pulled out of his pocket put Frankie Sinatra in the pay role! Hedy Lamarr looks helpless — but a business deal showed she’s a sharp siren