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Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1949)

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LUCKY YOU ! io be able to have this extra advantage in INTIMATE FEMININE HYGIENE Easier .... Less Embarrassing to Use. So Powerful yet So Harmless! Greaseless Suppository Assures Continuous Medication For Hours Young wives are mighty enthusiastic about Zonitors. This higher type intimate feminine cleanliness is one of the most effective methods ever discovered. Zonitors are by far more convenient and less embarrassing to Use — SO POWERFULLY GERMICIDAL yet ABSOLUTELY Safe to the most delicate tissues. They’re positively non-poisonous, nonirritating, non-smarting . Easy To Carry If Away From Rome Zonitors are greaseless, stainless, snow-white vaginal suppositories. They are not the type that quickly melt away. Instead, they release powerful germicidal properties for hours. And they never leave any residue. No Tell-Tale Odor Zonitors do not ‘mask’ offending odor. They actually destroy it. Help guard against infection. Zonitors kill every germ they touch. You know it’s not always possible to contact all the germs in the tract. But you can be sure Zonitors immediately kill every reachable germ and keep them from multiplying. Buy Zonitors today! At any drugstore. free booklet sent in plain wrapper. Reveals frank intimate facts. Zonitors, Dept. ZPP-29, 370 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. Name Address City State ( Continued from page 74) wait?” To her two young sons this glamorous girl is just “Mommy,” someone to have her skirts tugged at and to be cajoled into letting them do as they please. To other people, she is many different things. I have heard it said of her that she is brilliant, intelligent and an artist. Men who have directed her have called her a wonderful actress. A few catty women have termed her “plenty smart.” Others say she is more a girl deeply in love than anything else. NOT many people know that Jennifer has actually known David for seven years. He first saw her as Phyllis Isley at his New York office when she read for him for the lead in “Claudia.” With his usual farsightedness, he signed her to a contract but kept her under wraps for two years while she studied quietly at a dramatic school. They were not in love then. During this time David was deeply interested in Nancy Kelly, beautiful redhead, but he had not yet obtained his freedom from Irene Selznick, the chic daughter of Louis B. Mayer, who has made such an overwhelming success as the producer of “Street Car Named Desire” on Broadway. Never can it be said in truth that Jennifer came between Irene and David. When she arrived in Hollywood she was very much married to Robert Walker. Their two sons were babies and she and Bob were trying their best to get a foothold. Long before there was any thought of a romance between her and David, she and Bob separated. It is true they went back together again when she felt Bob needed her — but the rift between them was too great to be bridged permanently. Jennifer never talks about Walker, but I happen to know that when he was in trouble recently, she was greatly concerned. Bob has always been highly strung and extremely nervous, so it is not fair, after their long separation, to blame his front page antics on her. I had heard that she had a long talk with him after his trouble and begged him for the sake of their children to take hold of himself. But this can only be told as a rumor. Jennifer has never discussed what broke up their home. Perhaps it was too much ambition under one roof. Fame happened very suddenly to these babes in the Holly-woods. The quick ascent of the girl he had married, to Jennifer Jones, Academy Award star of “Song of Bernadette,” her first important picture, was a big problem for both of them. I believe that Jennifer’s feeling for Bob was, and is, a maternal one. Her love for David is the consuming love a woman gives to the big love of her life. To me, Jennifer is “all woman” which ha< made it possible for her to put her love for David above any heights she might reach as a star I honestly believe that ii David asked her to give up her career tomorrow, she would do it. As for David — I have known him since he was a little boy and I am very fond ol him. Perhaps, like Jennifer, I am prejudiced— but I can understand how she believes that the man she loves is the onlj human being in the world upon whose judgment she can rely. “You know,” she told me, “he is sc smart. On the stage in La Jolla last summer, I realized I was not quite ready for the role I was playing in ‘Seren; Blandish.’ But he gave me permission te do it, believing it would help me with mj screen roles. And, when I am ready t( go into a Broadway show, I know he wil encourage me in that, too. He has sue! rare understanding.” I also know something else very nice about David that not even Jennifer knows: When Bob Walker was in such grave trouble, David went to the M-G-M boss® and asked that he be given a trial, pleading his case. But that is all past history Far more vital is what lies ahead. “I have decided against making ‘Trilby,’ ” Jennifer told me. “Instead, I’m leav ing soon for Europe to make ‘Gone ti Earth’ for David, after ‘Madame Bovary is finished. That should be ready to star in mid-January or a little later.” And that is when I am betting tha they will be married — either before tha picture starts or during production! I felt like saying she could have a fieli day collecting a trousseau over there bu I changed my mind and said she wouli certainly enjoy the Paris shops now tha she admits she is clothes crazy. “Oh, I bought a lot of clothes in Pari last year,” she confessed, “and I lov them. But if I could have Charles James’ clothes exclusively, I wouldn’t ask for an; better. He made Mrs. William Randolp; Hearst Jr.’s trousseau and it is so lovely “Hollywood has changed me in on way,” Jennifer laughed. “When I firs came here, I wore only black. Now, not my red skirt! But red is not my favorit color. I think I like emerald green an yellows best.” I could see then that the case for mor private and intimate subjects was closes When girls get together and clothes com up for discussion, even talk of marriage and careers goes overboard. But don’t forget, I’m the girl who betting that the romance of Jennifer an David will be culminated by an importai “Mr. and Mrs.” announcement sooi The End $1000 reward Listen to TRUE DETECTIVE MYSTERIES every Sunday afternoon when John Shuttleworth names and describes a fugitive criminal, and offers a $1000 reward for information leading to his capture. TRUE DETECTIVE MYSTERIES is an exciting, fastmoving dramatization of a real crime case taken froirj the pages of True Detective magazine . . . with the special $1000 offer at the end of each week’s broadcast |: TRUE DETECTIVE MYSTERIES Listen Every Sunday Afternoon at 4:30 Eastern Time 2:30 Mountain Time 3:30 Central Time 1:30 Pacific Time Over 480 Mutual Stations . . . The World’s Biggest Network 76