Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1949)

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makes permanents unnecessary This little girl spent 2 hours at home ...and this little girl got lasting waves in an instant! Never before Insta-Curl could you comb your hair into lasting waves and curls! Or get a permanent effect from a tiny capsule with perfect safety. Even more miraculous — the longer you use Insta-Curl, the lovelier, more glamorous and naturally curly your hair becomes! Leading laboratories, including those of America’s most famous stores, have found Insta-Curl absolutely safe. Contains no sulphur, resin, alum or other harmful ingredients. So for shimmering waves that last and glorious curls that stay, get Insta-Curl. Improves old or new permanents. Curls all types of hair! Grand for the fine, soft hair of children. Yes, nothing like Insta-Curl ever before! Get Insta-Curl at all Drug and Department stores. If your favorite store doesn’t carry Insta-Curl write to Beauty Factors, Inc., 1 39 S. Beverly Drive, Beverly Dills. Calif. This little girl went to the beauty shop The original "curls in a capsule” Copyright 1948, Beauty Factors, Inc. 1 Dissolve capsule contents in 4 oz. * (half glass) hot water. 2 Comb solution generously through * dry hair. ( Best after shampoo.) 25 plus tax