Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1949)

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p 30 Calypso Mtfit is vtlie jj. " are Everywhere IN CALYPSO COLORS THAT SING— that brighten the underworld of feminine fashions. These captivating colors, inspired by the romance of West Indian islands, add a new dimension of beguilement to your lacy figure-proportioned Seamprufe Slip. QUERIDA " Loved One ” — designed for you to cherish, to cherish your figure. New fashion-favored plunging neckline, inlaid lace midriff and flared hemline work undercover flattery. In finest multifilament crepe with Alencon type lace. About $7 95 Other styles from S3.95-S7.95 fllWW CMS Caribbean blue yellow jasmine oleander pink waterlily mauve seaspray green white coral Trinidad tan black olive NCORPORATED '' FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK 18, N. Y. SLIPS • PETTICOATS • PAJAMAS • GOWNS DilOtODlail Jacqueline Neben Betsy Ross Jerry Ehrlich Coplan-Dirone Oppee John Enastead fashion editor promotion director retail director photographers Jane Powell is enchanting and vivacious in M-G-M’s “A Date with Judy.” Lately, she has been making : personal appearances You’ll he in the mood for dancing in this full-skirted dress and smart separate stole by Emma Dornb. ! Bates “Sun Country” gingham plaid in sizes 10-16 and 9-15. $25.00 For store nearest you see listing on page 97 or write direct to manufacturer listed on page 85 I