Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1950)

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r 28 Wear EVENING in PARIS the way French women do* Comlesse Robert de Lesseps, of the distinguished French family, echoes her bestbeloved perfume with Evening in Paris Eau de Cologne, smooths its romantic fragrance over her coiffure. And to keep its magic aura with her always, she touches a few drops to her beautiful lingerie. Special *L65 Value me, BOURJOIS Don’t miss this exciting value! Get Evening in Paris Summer Symphony : regular $1,00 size Eau de Cologne and regular 65<fr Talcum — both for the price of the Cologne alone! >jtYoui Evening in Paris is compounded in the U.S.A, from the same French formula that makes Evening in Paris the largest-selling fragrance in France, Madame Henri Dewavrin, beautiful Parisian socialite, duplicates the scent of her favorite perfume with Evening in Paris Talcum after her bath. “I would not consider my toilette complete,” she says, “if I did not first smooth on this soft, beautifully fragrant powder.” Comtesse Edouard de Segonzac, great-grandniece of the immortal Chopin, uses sparkling, cooling Evening in Paris Eau de Cologne on warm summer days to .surround herself with the world’s most popular fragrance. With it, she scents her shampoo, her bath— even her closets. (Continued from page 26) (A) One Way Street (U-I) JAMES MASON and Marta Toren are the stars of this gangster film which allows 1 Mason to be his old menacing self, that is, until regeneration sets in. Mason portrays an illegal doctor who is hired by Dan Duryea and his gang of unpleasant mobsters to fix up their ; wounds, knife and bullet, Marta is Dan’s girl, but she has a yen for the smooth, I suave little doctor. So it’s okay with Marta when the doc outwits the mob and takes off to Mexico with a bag of instruments, ; a bag of loot and her. On their way to Mexico City the plane makes an emergency landing near the tiny village of Tolutlan, where they are befriended by Basil Ruysdael, a wise and kindly priest. j Marta and Mason begin to regret the old J days, and the old ways. In a thrilling j climax they return to the States to return I the money to Dan, and get married. But : the mob is waiting for them. Your Reviewer Says: If you crave violence. I v'v' (F) Trigger Jr, (Republic) ONE of Roy Rogers’ most popular films 1 was ‘ The Golden Stallion,” This one is i guaranteed to equal it in popularity. Roy takes his Western show to the ranch of a former circus man for winter quartering, and immediately gets involved j in running down a crazed killer stallion, j This leads to tangling with the crooks i responsible for letting loose this fourlegged devil as part of a scheme to scare honest ranchers into accepting their “protection.” Before Roy has cleared the range there are two mighty death battles between a killer stallion and Trigger and Trigger Jr. In the supporting cast are Dale Evans, Peter Miles, Grant Withers, Pat Brady. Your Reviewer Says: Will make you Triggerhappy. ^ (F) Sierra (U-I) M’ AND A HENDRIX and Audie Murphy are the stars of this rather dull Western. They run second to the magnificent Technicolor scenery. Audie has been hiding out in the High Sierras with his dad, Dean dagger, for fifteen years. Dean is supposed to have murdered his partner and no one believes he is innocent except his son, and thenone friend, mountaineer minstrel Burl Ives, Wanda, a young lady lawyer, gets lost in the mountains and stumbles into their hide-out. Audie is “agin the law” and Wanda complicates his life considerably. Naturally there are the usual horse thieves, fights, jail breaks, sheriff’s posse, and happy ending. Your Reviewer Says: The scenery’s pretty. y'Vi (A) Under My Skin (20th Century-Fox) BASED on Ernest Hemingway’s short story, “My Old Man,” about a crooked jockey and his adoring son, this picture is action-packed, with an exciting European race track background, and yet, at the same time, is warm and human. As the unscrupulous jockey, barred from American tracks, John Garfield is perfectly cast. His motherless kid, Orley Lindgren, thinks his old man a hero, and dreams of going back to America. The heat is on John for a couple of shady deals he has pulled, and a powerful racketeer, Luther Adler, demands that he throw the Grand Prix race or else. But John is riding the kid’s horse in that race, and he decides not to go along with the fix.