Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1951)

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Practical nurses are always needed ! Learn at home in your Bpare time as thousands of men and women — 18 to 60 years of age — have done through Chicago School of Nursing. Easy-to-understand lessons, endorsed by physicians. One graduate has charge of 10-bed hospital. Nurse Cromer, of Iowa, runs her own nursing home. Others earn $2.50 to $5.00 a day in private practice. YOU CAN EARN WHILE YOU LEARN! Mrs. B. C., of Texas, earned $474.25 while taking course. Mrs. S. E. P. started on her first case after her 7th lesson; in 14 months she earned $1900! You, too, can earn good money, make new friends. High school not necessary. Equipment included. Easy payments. Trial plan. 52nd year. Send coupon now! CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING Dept. 24, 41 East Pearson Street, Chicago 11, 111. Please send free booklet and 16 sample lesson pages. inated by the Hollywood Women’s Press Club as one of the ‘uncooperative’ actresses of 1950. “I believe that had its basis in one particular thing that happened on several occasions: I had to break interview and portrait-sitting appointments at the last minute — and each time it was because Benjy had become suddenly ill. “I remember one particular time; I was half out the door on my way to the studio when he started vomiting violently. Do you think I would have left him for one moment until the doctor got here and said he was all right? Never! I wouldn’t leave a sick baby of mine, Louella, for the best publicity break in the world — I just couldn’t!” She shook her head vigorously. “Before I was married and before the babies came — it was different. You see, I was free then to be helpful in every way possible. As an actress, I realize how very valuable publicity is. As a mother, well — there are many problems. Do you understand, Louella?” Being a mother and a career woman myself, I said I most certainly did — and I meant it. THROUGH the window I could see the tree-shaded lane that serves as the driveway to the house. Big oak trees, the kind you see in northern California, line the lane. When I remarked about the beautiful trees, Esther said, “They helped sell the house to us — but it was the kitchen that really did the trick. I’ll show it to you.” That kitchen! It’s just wonderful— like the old-fashioned kitchens that belonged to our great-grandmothers. A whole corner was taken up by a brick fireplace and there was also a comfortable window seat with cushions covered in chintz. Plants were growing gaily and colorfully in every window. “But where do you cook?” I asked, not seeing any visible stoves. Then she took me to a place partitioned off by a gate where two stoves, electric and gas, stood side by side. “I have to have the gate there,” Esther explained, “because Benjy is old enough to get into everything and I love to cook.” The Gages use the kitchen for their breakfast room, in fact they eat most of their meals there. “I hate a regular dining room,” Esther laughed. The house has two rooms upstairs, as I found out on our tour — Esther’s and Ben’s apartments. The nurseries are on the first floor so the nurse doesn’t have to wear herself ragged running up and down the stairs all the time. “You know,” went on Esther, “we always keep the children with us. I honestly believe a baby gets lonesome living in shutup nurseries as far away as possible from its parents so they won’t be bothered by crying. Not ours! As you see — the baby stays down here in his cradle all day with Ben and me when we are home.” I wondered out loud what a pediatrician would say to that arrangement? Most of them think tiny babies are made less nervous by absolute quiet. “Oh, it’s all right with our pediatrician,” Esther assured me. “He is a young, unmarried man, and when Ben and I went to Acapulco to sell our vacation home there, he stayed right in the house looking after the babies and keeping them with him as closely as we do.” And I had already noticed that this modern Mrs. with the old-fashioned ways also believes in picking up a baby when he cries. When she did it for about the third time, I laughed and she knew what I meant. “I don’t care,” she argued. “Every woman wants to hold a baby in her arms — and PHOTOPLAY ANNUAL 1 951 1 20 Picture Pages MANY IN FULL COLOR Elizabeth Taylor Farley Granger June Allyson COLOR PORTRAITS OF THE STARS Gorgeous fourcolor photographs of Elizabeth Taylor, Howard Keel, June Allyson, Esther Williams, June Haver, Tony Curtis, Jane Powell, Vera-Ellen, Farley Granger, Joan Evans, Gordon MacRae, Doris Day. THE MOVIE YEAR IN REVIEW Twenty thrilling pages covering the motion picture highlights of the entire year — movie memories you will want to keep! STARS OF THE FUTURE Photographs of Hollywood’s most promising up-and-coming personalities. You will see them here, learn their prospects for the future and when they become stars, you can say, "I knew about them when . . .” STUDIO DIRECTORY Pictures and addresses of all the well-known movie studios. Now you will know where to write your favorite stars. Get YOUR Copy Today ! 102