Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1952)

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p Thrilling New Massage Cream Contains PC -11. Acts Instantly to DRY UP SKIN BLEMISHES From Both Oily Skin and External Causes! Have you tried in vain to get rid of oily, muddy look, pimples, “Hickies,” other externally caused skin blemishes? Well, you never had PC-11 before! That’s POMPEIAN’S name for Hexachlorophene. Wonderful discovery of science helps dry up such skin blemishes! PC-11 is now contained in new POMPEIAN Massage Cream! Acts instantly to clean out dirt, help you remove blackheads like magic! See how it goes on face pink — rolls off muddy grq~» GENEROUS TRIAL TUBE CENTS! Send name, address and 10 cents for 5 massages to POMPEIAN CORP., Department Pi, Baltimore 24, Md. Or get Pompeian Milk Massage Cream at your favorite drug store. 1 MAKE MONEY AT HOME ADDRESSING ENVELOPES Instructive Details Reveal How MALCQ PUBLISHERS. 3-MWG. COLUMBUS 5. OHIO NEW TINYTONE RADIO Reallv works. NEW PRESET CRYSTAL elim' inates TUBES. BATTERIES OR ELEC TRIC'PLUG-INS" FOREVER! Beautiful Red plastic case. GUARANTEED TO WORK on local stations — use most anywhere.SEND ON LY$ 1.00 (bill. ck.. mo. land pay postman $3.99 COD or send $4.99 for COMPLETE WITH EXTRA LONG DISTANCE AERIAL KIT AND PHONE. LIMITED SUPPLY. ORDER NOW. Midway Co., Dept. BMW-4, Kearney, Nebr. Be A PRACTICAL NURSE On The HOME FRONT Women 18 to 55 of age wanted! GOOD PAY, great demand for Trained Practical Nurses. Learn at home in spare time. High school diploma not needed. Easy, modern technique includes infant care, A-bomb first aid. Full equipment furnished. Sample Lesson Pages in Booklet FREE. Write Now! WAYNE SCHOOL of Practical Nursing 2525 Sheffield Ave., Desk E-63, Chlcagol4 DO YOU WANT A STEADY INCOME? There's a big opportunity for you to make from $10 to $5 0 a week — and it costs you nothing but your spare time! Take subscriptions for all magazines for your friends and neighbors. (For U.S.A. sales only.) For full particulars write: Subscription Agents Division MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS, Inc. Dept. PH -452, Bartholomew Bldg. 205 E. 42nd St. New York 17. N. Y. INGROWN NAIL Hurting You? Immediate Relief! A few drops of OUTGRO® bring blessed relief from tormenting pain of ingrown nail. OUTGRO toughens the skin underneath the nail, allows the nail to be cut and thus prevents further pain and discomfort. OUTGRO is available at all drug counters. 4 //SLEEPLESSNESS (Due to Nervous Tension) MAKES YOU FEEL LONG FACED and DULL . . . try Miles Nervine for welcome relief. Contains no Barbiturates. Follow the label. Avoid excessive use. At all drugstores. 1 MILES 3 3 33 □ a Sunny Side Up ( Continued from page 55) street, the white Georgian Colonial exterior, with its green trim, offering a dignified welcome. The small entrance hall echoes the dignity, but, instead of the usual balustrade, a white partition topped by a plant-box frames the landing for the stairs that lead to the second floor. It’s successful, because the stairway has a wall on either side, and the landing makes a square turn two steps up from the hall. To the left of the hall is the living room, and at the right a door opens into a bar. “We don’t drink,” said Doris, “so we planned to take the bar out, but that would be very expensive. We have to consider resale value, you know.” So the bar stays, and Doris is doing it in red, green, black and white. The red, green and white are combined in a plaid paper for the walls, and the black is in two chairs surrounding a round pine table on which stands a tremendous Vat 69 bottle, made into a lamp and topped with a red linen shade. Doris brings the black into the room again through dime store frames which she has painted and uses for pictures of people with whom she has worked. These line the wall behind the bar. Valances made of red moire, which she bought in the basement of a department store, top the shuttered windows, and two green leather chairs are on either side of a pine trestle table. IT’S an inviting room, but not any more so than the delightful living room. From her previous house, Doris brought two Chippendale wing chairs covered with printed cotton, a sporting scene in gray, blue, yellow and touches of red against a cocoa-colored ground. And two French Provincial cabinets flank the cherry red antique satin sofa, bearing attractive little pewter pitchers which Doris had made into lamps. Jot down in your idea book the thought of using cabinets beside a sofa or chair instead of tables, particularly if your room is small. The cabinet, you see, provides storage for those extras that clutter up a house, and also serves as a lamp table. Speaking of lamps, there’s something else you can borrow. Make your own lamps from pitchers, as Doris did, or from a pair of vases, or from a couple of copper teakettles. You can buy the fixtures and wiring at any hobby or hardware shop, and by drilling a hole in the bottom of the accessory, make the conversion. Be sure that the lamp, from finial to base, is at least twenty-seven inches high so that it will provide proper illumination. For her living room Doris chose a contrasting color scheme; green chenille carpeting and a deeper green for the walls, crisped with white ceiling and woodwork, perfect foils for the red sofa. A gold textured cotton lounge chair and ottoman tie in nicely, and echo the spot of yellow found in the print. A contrasting scheme means that two colors opposite each other on the color wheel are chosen. To be successful, one must be used in larger proportion than the other — in this instance, green — and a third color may be brought in for accent, such as the yellow. An individual with exuberant personality, such as Doris, demands an exciting combination of colors, which is one of the reasons that this living room reflects her personality. A door on one side of the white fireplace opens into the den and shelves march up the wall on the other side. Doris lined the back of the shelves with mirrors, so that you get the impression that you’re looking through the shelves into another room. It’s a neat trick that works wonderfully well, if you have a need for it. Occasional pieces in this room bier together, even though Doris has tv, French Provincial end tables beside tf sofa; a round oak coffee table compk mented with bowl of flowers, ash tray Ronson lighter, but still leaving plenty i room for party refreshments, in front < it; an Early American Welsh cupboar against one wall, and a pine Early Ameri can table against the other. Why do a these pieces, despite their various heril ages, go together? Because they’re all in formal styles. You can mix periods an have a successful decorating scheme b\ you cannot mix formal and informal style Actually, the round coffee table belong to no period. It’s just nicely designed. Bi you can achieve the same type of piece you keep a sharp lookout for old, rount dining tables. When you find one thj has the diameter you want, buy it, then ci it down to coffee table height by eliminat ing the middle section of the legs. To giv it a new finish, buy a good paint remove: Then after you have cleaned and scrape the surface down to the wood, sand it t satin smoothness, then stain it or wax i depending upon the finish you want. If it stain you choose, clear Shellac adds a pro tective coat to your table, but if you objec to the gloss, cut it down with steel woe and a final application of paste wax. The shutters of the room please Dori particularly. “They’re so informal,” sh says, “and actually, you don’t miss draper ies with these at the windows. But I’r getting draperies as soon as I have a littl time,” she adds hastily. ONE of the reasons Doris likes this roor is that it’s filled with the things sh loves. For instance, one day she and Mart had a semi-spat over the furnishing. Fi nally Marty, when the argument reached climax, growled under his breath and mad a dramatic exit. Half an hour later Dori was called to the phone. “Honey,” sai , Marty, “I’ve found a really terrific some thing or other — some kind of a cupboard. It was a perfectly beautiful Welsh cup board, complete with spoon rack and spic drawers, and the only furnishing piece ths Marty has ever selected by himself. Noth ing could tempt Doris to part with it! “This green thumbprint pitcher,” Dori indicated on the shelf, “belonged to m great grandmother. And my father sent m this little coffee maker which was left i an apartment which he owns. This Russia wooden bowl belonged to my aunt, and th Pembroke table in the hall came from a old woman who worked for my grand mother. It was an ugly green, but w stripped it down to the wood, and see hoM lovely it is now.” Of such things is a horn made. Vibrant as is the living room, the de: offers a complete change of pace, bein done in practically a monotone. Sculpture beige carpeting echoes the wood tones c the paneling on all four walls, and natural leather sectional sofa practicall • matches. A green leather chair offers a bi, of contrast, however, as do the subdue' floral draperies in a heavy repp weave Here, too, is a television set, plus a pin trestle table bearing a huge copper lam) Needless to say, here’s where son Terr and his friends hang out, watching thei > favorite shows and indulging in games c • canasta from time to time. Because the living room opens onto th ll dining room, Doris chose the same colo scheme of red, green and white, but use* . the colors differently. The red’s on the wal j in a wonderful, little Provincial print pape above white wainscoting. Woodwork an ceiling are all white, and the green carpet j ins’s the same as that in the living roorr 104