Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1953)

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Smith Beauty at the feast: In balloon-decked tent backstage, Jeanne Crain and Paul Brinkman head for buffet table at Ice Follies party Citrictly Stag: Both Robert Wagner and Craig Hill now occupy their first bachelor apartments. Bob “left home” when his parents moved out of the city. He’s doing his own decorating, and going modern. Craig’s place is Early American, but he says, “subject to change without notice” . . . Until he returns from making that movie in Europe, Rock Hudson won’t know he’s a proud “father.” Six baby kittens were horn in his — bathtub! . . . Tab Hunter’s buying a diamond engagement ring on the installment plan. “It isn’t for anyone in particular,” he philosophizes. “1 want to be prepared — just in case!” Without Onions: It happened when Bob Hope returned from a sensational personal appearance in London’s Palladium. While he was away, great additions and alterations took place at his home in North Hollywood. As he drove up and got his first gander at the improvements, he cracked: “Some joint. I wonder if I can get a quick hamburger!” Since then Bob refers to his little nest as — a million-doll ar drive-in! Hands Across The Sea: We were right. Doris Day didn’t mind a bit when we gave William Holden her new private phone number. In fact, Doris was thrilled. “I just want you to know what you mean to the fellows in Korea,” said Bill, who just returned, to Doris. “Practically every man asked for you and they worship what you represent back here at home.” Bill extracted our promise that we wouldn’t give him personal publicity. However, he’s so tireless in his efforts More Pictures •»! 31