Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1953)

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Hollywood Stars in Pin-Up Poses [NEW EDITION] It’s new! . . . It’s glamorous! . . . It’s terrific! . . . It’s the second big colorful album of Hollywood stars in captivating poses, prepared by the editors of Photoplay Magazine. Here in brilliant full-color pictures are your favorite Hollywood stars. Each picture is a gem — each picture can be cut out for framing or pinning up without interfering with any other picture in the book. Only Photoplay Magazine could bring you this prize collection of colorful pictures — printed on heavy paper — at the low, low price of only 35^. You’ll be the envy of your friends with this glamorous Pinup Book. Get your copy at your newsstand now. ^occd (eve t/te (ueccocce fiAotoe • Marilyn Monroe • Esther Williams \ • Rita Hayworth ' • Betty Grable • Marie Wilson • Vera-Ellen • Jane Russell • Sarnia Gamal otden. deeuetCee Only 35c If Photoplay Pinups are sold out at your newsstands, you may still obtain copies of this fascinating book by mailing the I attached coupon at once. Hurry! Don’t I miss this gorgeous array of female pulohritude. Mail coupon, with remittance — today. I PHOTOPLAY. Dept. WG-253 l| 205 E. 42 St., New York 17. N. Y. I Send me, postpaid, PHOTOPLAY PINUPS l| No. 2 as checked below: :j ( ) 1 copy— 1 enclose 35c I ( ) 3 copies— I enclose $1.00 I Nome II f Address r I City State And Along Came Dodo (Continued jrom page 43) and smoke, we walked over to watch the flames. As we turned into Rowland Avenue, I grabbed Marty’s arm convulsively. Careening toward us on a bike was a small boy wearing a leather jacket and a visored cap. His face was covered with freckles and friendliness. “Marty!” I gasped. “I’m sure — that’s got to be Doris Day’s son.” “Don’t be silly,” he calmly rejoined. “Doris doesn’t live around here. Her son doesn’t ride a bike and live on a block and nlay with a bunch of kids. They probably live in a big mansion in Beverly Hills, and Terry plays alone in a mink-lined pool.” I was still thinking about this kid — Dodo Day in miniature — almost comical in his exact resemblance, as we watched Warners’ large Stage Twenty-one burn to the ground. And sornehow I got into conversation with a man standing nearby. I told him I had played with Doris when we were little girls, and now I was almost sure I had seen her son on a bicycle. “It probably was her son,” he said. “She lives down the street. Why don’t you look her up?” I mentioned the unanswered letters. “She never got them,” he said. “If you sent them to the studio, they were thrown in with her fan mail which comes in such volumes that it might be a matter of months before your letters come to her attention.” That sounded logical. “Look,” he went on, “I’m an assistant director and I know Doris well. She would never brush off an old friend. Give me your name and phone number and I’ll have her call you.” Only an hour after we got home from the fire I had a phone call from Dodo and we made a date to meet. Yet, the next day as I walked the three blocks from our apartment to Doris’ beautiful home to have limch with her, I was a little uncertain. What can a glamorous movie star and a middleclass hausfrau possibly have in common? What will we talk about? I couldn’t help wondering. What did we talk about? I couldn’t say. Words tumbled over each other, as they do every time we meet or talk on the telephone. Terry was the boy on the bike all right — I loved telling my husband — and Alma Kappelhoff, Dodo’s mother, was still the same dear woman who took us to the movies every Saturday and was hissed because she had trouble separating us from our seats when the picture rolled around the second time. It didn’t seem at all necessary to talk about the years when we’d been such good pals, but those happy days had left the inevitable mark of youthful friendship upon us. We had not gone to the same school, nor had too many friends in common, but we had shared early experiences and exchanged bashful confidences. It was, miraculously, as though nothing much had happened in between — certainly nothing as important as Doris’ rise to stardom. We told each other about our husbands and were delighted to discover both are named Marty. And when my Marty and I dropped by the following Sunday, our husbands hit it off immediately and became fast friends. The Melchers are daytime people. They go to sleep early and get up early, just as we like to do. They’re also coffee hounds, another point we have in common. The kitchen is a favorite gathering place in the Melcher household, with everybody hanging over the coffee-pot and exchanging jokes and bright conversation. It’s wood-panelled and comfortable, and a grand place to relax. The window sills are bright with paper geraniums which Doris you need this FREE Style Book It’s the next best thing to visiting one of our “Over FiveSeven Shops” . . . our new Fashion Book shows all the new TALL GIRL styles as originated by Lane Bryant . . . dresses, coats, suits, blouses, skirts, sweaters, slacks, jackets, robes, slips, gowns, girdles, bras, stockings . . . everything designed in TALL-sizes 10 to 20 to fit your TALL figure like a dream... and everything is priced like fashions in “regular sizes.” If you are not on our mailing list, mail the coupon below. Mail Coupon for yout Free Style Book Today jmicgl Lane Bryant, Dept. 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