Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1953)

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p ii's a bargain!... Here’s the most amazing bargain of the year that gives you three books in one Mario Lanza "The more feminine a woman, the more fascinating she is to me." Lana Turner "A girl who has only sex appeal to offer won't keep a man very long." !• An album of movie star pics • A handy record book for your most important memoranda • A confidential diary its a daie book at just fifty cents! Think of it! In this one handsomely hound, carefully edited glamour record book, you have a place for everything, plus pictures and dating advice from all your favorite stars. There are places for autographs and personal clippings. Pocket-book sized, easy to carry around, with a swell cover color portrait of Doris Day, it’s wonderful to own and would make a terrific gift. Fill out the coupon and send for your copy (or copies) today. Scott Brady "All the people we have known become part of our lives in one way or another." MY PERSONAL DATE BOOK WORLD WIDE, Dept. PH-453 63 CENTRAL AVENUE OSSINING, NEW YORK Mitzi Gaynor "Always be yourself.” I enclose for copies of MY PERSONAL DATE BOOK at 50c a copy. Send to: NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE Send no stamps, send cash or money order. to you, Mommie, now put Daddy on.” Es ' ther had several 'other things she wanted 1 to say but Benjy was impatient. “Put | Daddy on, Mommie, I want to talk to : Daddy.” So Ben came to the phone and Esther, piqued and curious, picked up the extension. “Daddy,” Benjy was saying, “you know, I didn’t want to get on that plane. I said, ‘Nonononononono, I don’t want to, I won’t.’ ” He hadn’t mentioned this to Esther at all. “Then what didja do?” Ben said. “I got on. And you know what. Daddy? j It was a jet. It went rrrpt when it landed.” ' “Yep,” Ben said, “that’s how a jet goes.” The conversation went on, Benjy telling his dad all about it, what he felt and when . he stopped being scared and how Kimmy took the trip. When they’d finished talking, Ben said, “Were you on the extension?” Esther admitted she had been. “Well, just don’t tell Benjy. This was man-talk.” “Anyone who thinks I’d dissolve this marriage just doesn’t know anything about us,” Esther says. “It happens that we’re in love with each other and with I our life — but if the situation were differ ' ent, if there were reasons for Ben and me not to be happy — I still could never give those boys what Ben gives them, and I could never deprive them of this dad whom they adore. I not only am not a mermaid-tycoon — I’m not a mother-andfather either. I’m just their mother and I hope I’m doing as good a job at that as il Ben is doing as their dad. “This Ben of mine is uninhibited, and ■ I’m as uninhibited as he. I can’t imagine a ' life without utter naturalness. Ben needs : me, and he’s the sort of man who needs ; only one person in the world. It’s won ; derful to be loved that way, and I thank | my lucky stars for my husband every day ;j of my life, and every day of his. Today is his birthday and his gift from me is a ] chronometer watch. On the back I’ve had | engraved, ‘Darling, happy birthday, happy life. E’ That’s how I feel and that’s what ii I mean. I thank God that I had the good sense to fall in love with a man who also has the good sense to know his love and his kind of life when he sees it. “We’ve settled down for the rest of our i happy days building an exciting and a sound future together. “If you’re interested in the truth — this is the truth about us.” The End 1953 RED CROSS 82