Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1953)

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EXTRA DOLLARS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS NOW-Be Your OWN BOSS! No Experience Necessary! Earn from $10 fo $50 in your spore time — just take core of subscription orders for OUR magazines for your friends and neighbors! Steady Extra Income! Now — solve all your extra money worries — pay those bills, buy that dress, fix up your house! Thousands of women across the country tell us how many wonderful things they've done with the extra money they've earned in their spore time! Your Big Opportunity! If you hove o regular job — you con represent us in your spare time. Or you can devote full time to our job — be completely independent and build up a business of your own. In either cose you can increase your earnings — tremendously. Act NOW! Start NOW — it's easy, costs you nothing— just act as magazine secretary for your friends and neighbors for OUR MAGAZINES. (U.S.A. sales only.) Write today — NOW — for FREE material and information to: Dept. W. G. 6-53, Box 55. Macfadden Publications, Inc. 205 E. 42nd Street New York. N. Y. marry the man. My hat’s off to you Zsa Zsa. You’ve prov^ anything’s possible. And, in her way, so has Virginia Mayo. The Mayo gal, born plain Virginia Jones on the wrong side of the tracks, has little in the way of social graces — no small talk, no natural sophistication. She’s through after she says hello. But never underestimate her brain appeal. When she was under contract to Goldwyn, he’d bawl her out twice a week. “You can’t walk, you can’t talk, you can’t dress,” Sam screamed. He hired people to teach her to walk and talk and dress. Then he hollered at them, “What are you trying to do, make a Bergman of her?” “Why do you take it?” one of those friends who specialize in trouble -making asked. “He’s the head of the studio. He must know what he’s talking about,” Ginny replied sweetly. She hated stooging for Danny Kaye, but no one knew it until she left Goldwyn. And when Danny, who used to humiliate her in their pictures for Sam, followed her to Warners for “Inspector General” — the biggest flop of his career, by the way — Virginia, one of the biggest stars on the lot, was gracious and pleasant to her extormentor, when she had every justification for being real witchy. That’s what I call smart. But the smartest thing she ever did was to marry Mike O’Shea, some years her senior. He cracks the whip the way she used to crack it with her two-man Pansy, the Horse act. Mike makes her go out when she’d rather stay home on the ranch. He fronts for her in conversation. He supplies a much-needed sense of humor. He makes every decision. CORNS also Calluses. Quick, easy, and economical. Just rub it on. Buy today at your druggist. Money refunded if not satisfied. Moss Co.« Rochester, N. Y. removed by MOSCO NEW! GOLD PLATED PICTURE RING and any PHOTO ENLARGED i.M i:m ; 1 j WEIGHT PROFESSIONAL PAPER Made from any photo or film Same price, lor bust, group or any part taken out of a group picture. $3.50 VALUE BOTH FOR ONLY ' mail photo negative and snapshot anvsize and receive your enlargement and ton gold plated Picture Ring. Gttaranteod Pay postman 97c plus C.O.D and mailing costs, or send 97c and wc pay postage. Send paper strip for ring size Original returned with your enlargement. Ring and enlargement made from same photo. Marshall Atl Sludios Dept. IR 3723 Fullerlon Ave., Chicago 47. III. ^Enlargements and r Rings for " {from tame pose) .50 KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS WASTE Nagging backache, loss of pep and energy, headaches and dizziness may be due to slowdown of kidney function. Doctors say good kidney function is very important to good health. When some everyday condition, such as stress and strain, causes this important function to slow down, many folks suffer nagging backache— feel miserable. Minor bladder irritations due to cold or wrong diet may cause getting up nights or frequent passages. p Don’t neglect your kidneys if these conditions bother you. Try Doan’s Pills— a mild diuretic. Used successfully by millions for over 50 years. It’s amazing how many times Doan’s give happy relief from these discomforts— help the 15 miles of kidney tubes and filters flush out waste. Get Doan’s Pills today! 98 W’ e will have a more tolerant world when we learn to be as critical of our own faults as we are of the faults of others. IRENE DUNNE When Ginny did a big fashion sitting for PHOTOPLAY in New York recently, heman O’Shea was on hand to arrange every fold of every dress. They love Virginia at the studio because she does anything they tell her. She’s smart in knowing she isn’t a great talent. But she’s working all the time. It’s almost a joke because she’s in every picture. Even in lay-off time when other stars yell blue murder if the studio wants them for anything, Virginia comes into the publicity department and says, “I’ll do all the publicity you want.” And signs the Screen Actors Guild release. Virginia makes around $3,500 weekly and Mike socks most of it away. They’ll be rich when she retires. And don’t get him wrong. No one would dare to call him Mr. Virginia Mayo. He works — radio, pictures now and then, also legit plays. But his hundred per cent interest in hfe is his beautiful blonde bride. And how many wives can say that of their husbands? Two other top movie stars can — Betty Hutton and Doris Day. Both were married before, but it didn’t work out because the husbands had other interests and were disinclined to put all of their eggs into one blonde basket. But even though Hutton’s hubby, Charlie O’Curran, is officially listed as a dance director, and Doris’ dream boy, Marty Melcher, is an agent, each gal is Number One project for both. Everyone agrees that Hutton is a babe with a brain. But only time can tell whether O’Curran was smart to pull out of Paramount when he was pulhng down $1,000 per week, to hitch his future to Betty’s star. Her motives were noble. But it’s still too early to guess at the final results. In the meantime, Mr. and Mrs. O’Curran are touring. But they have a beautiful home here, and the question is — how long can Betty keep traveling without coming home to make some pictures, which is a must if she is to maintain her appeal on the road. Well, Betty’s a girl who usually gets what she wants, so I’ll bet she’ll persuade someone to take a chance with her Charlie. Or they’ll do a TV series together. Because Betty is a smart blonde and she knows it’s more important to have a happy marriage than to get all the backing for all the pictures in the world, if that means being parted from her husband. A smart redhead showed it could be done — and I do mean Lucille Ball. Whatever they do, Betty’s bank account has benefited since her marriage. Before she and Charlie left Paramount, she was keeping only six cents out of each dollar of her fabulous income. Now with her capital gains set up with Charlie’s, twenty eight cents out of every dollar sticks in the kitty. They don’t give parties, they don’t buy extravagant furs and jewels — except for the act. And they’re happy. Doris Day is something else. Like Betty, she wants her husband, Marty Melcher, giving himself to her in the daytime, nighttime and work-time. And there wa^ wellfounded talk that she wouldn’t re-sign with Warners unless they signed Marty to a producer’s contract. But there are more ways of directing a wife’s career than by signing on the dotted line. Marty can do as much for Doris behind his agent’s desk as he can producing her pictures — maybe more — which is perhaps why Doris decided not to pursue the point. As producer, he’d be answerable to Jack Warner. As Miss Day’s agent, Mr. Warner has to answer to him. Doris isn’t too popular at Warners, to judge by the tales told you out of school. Neither was Hutton at Paramount. Strongminded females are seldom popular. But the stories of their temperament usually seem to be hoked-up exaggerations. And there are always plenty of pleasant tales to disprove all those with claws in them. As witness this, from photographer Hymie Fink: He was due to do a lay-out of Doris and her husband at the studio, and Marty went there especially for it. At the last minute, Hymie couldn’t make it. Most stars would say “Too bad,” and delightedly let it go at that. But Doris insisted that Marty come in again the next day so that Hymie could take his photos. P.S. Smart girls are always good to photographers. They know those shutter-clickers can murder them if they’re not. But the smartest living blonde in Hollywood is June Allyson. She always gives the impression she’s about to crochet an antimacassar. Don’t be fooled. It might be your strait jacket. When she crinkles up her nose and giggles, you’d better cry Uncle and give in — because she’s gonna get what she’s after. Enough said! Reviewing the blonde bangtails, perhaps the smartest we ever had here was Carole Lombard. Sleek, chic and brilliant. She could lunch with a Queen and take tea with a chambermaid. Men found her fun. Women copied her clothes and mannerisms. Jean Harlow did all right too. And today’s crop of smart blondes seem to have picked up a lot of tricks from their predecessors — and added a few clever gimmicks of their own. The End