Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1954)

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p faCanPlay . . . even if you don’t know a single note of music now! IMAGINEI Even if you never dreamed you could play . . . you can soon surprise your friends with your musical ability. No special talent or previous training needed. Spend just a few minutes a day — and only a few cents per lesson. Teach yourself to play piano, guitar, accordion, whatever instrument you choose. Make amazingly rapid progress because you start right out playing real pieces by note. No boring exercises to do. Over 900,000 people have chosen this easy home study method. (Our 56th successful year.) TREE BOOK and FREE LESSON-SAMPLE. See actual proof that YOU can play. Mail coupon for FREE BOOK and Lesson-Sample to: U. S. SCHOOL OF MUSIC, Studio 202, Port Washington, N. Y, U. S. SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Studio 202, Port Washington, N. Y. Please send me free Book and free Lesson-Sample. I’m interested in playing (name instrument) Q I do □ I do NOT— have in.strument now. Name (please print) NEW TOWELS LARGE SIZEI Assorted Colors. Newt Not seconds. Money-back goaraDtee. g Order Now! Supply limited. TOr TOWEL SHOP, Dept. 103, Box 881, St. Louis 1, Mo. 12 ... MOO HAPPINESS FOR WOMEN Women’s happinees depends on proper functioning of their delicately adjusted bodies. Functional disorders may cause scanty or irregular menses. When this happens, just ask your druggist for a small pleasant tablet called Humphreys “11", a true homeopathic preparation. No prescription needed. MATERNITY Style Book NEW Fifth Avenue styles keep you smart throughout pregnancy. Adjust easily. Dresses $2.98 up: also supporters, undies. Everything for Baby, too. Low prices. FREE Book in plain wrapper. LANE BRYANT, Dept.800 Indianapolis 17, Indiano Wonderful SHAMPOO also CW and WAVES HAIR Women who shampoo with exciting NEW Marlene’s HAIR WAVING SHAMPOO award it the highest honors. Not only does Marlene's make hair shine with cleanliness; not only does Marlene’s make hair soft, luxurious, easier to manage, with more body and lustre . . . but more important Marlene’s actually gives lovely springy curls and waves with each shampoo and set. Cleans, really beautifies, saves time, money. You have to shampoo your hair anyway, so next time try Ma’ leiT^’s. At drug and cosmetic counters everywhere. Also available in Canada For Calendars • Billboards • Magazines Your <hild's photo may bring you a$ niu<h as $200 from advertisers. Big demand for pictures of boys and girls 6 months to 18 years old. Let your child, too, have this wonderful opportunity to be presented to the nation's leading advertisers. (Not a contest). Send ONE small photo for our approval (Only One). Print child's full name and age and parent's name and address on back. Picture returned in 60 days if not accepted. ALL AGES -ALL TYPES THIS 1$ BECKY HANF Her picture has already earned S200 from a national advertiser 5POTLITE PHOTO ^5864-MP Hollywood Blvd., DIRECTORY Hollywood, Cal. Help Doris Day Get Well (Continued from page 37) ’ The fantastic arsenal of energy upon which she has drawn over the hectic years of her career may have begun to be diminished. For Doris has always worked and played and lived hard — with all of herself. But this is unlikely. Such natural vitality as hers is not easily snuffed out. It’s much more probable that when she underwent surgery (frightening enough in itself), she had something she had not known for years — time to think, to review her life, to evaluate. She had time to ask herself how long her happiness could last. Time to look back on the days of her early struggles, her youthful heartbreaks — and perhaps to tremble a bit in retrospect. Since her marriage to Marty Melcher, Doris has known real peace of mind and emotional security. Not long before her illness she said, “Today, I’m just about the most fortunate and happy person alive. I’ve treasures that are beyond all price . . . my son, my husband, my mother, my work.” And then she added, “But there have been times in my life when I didn’t see how I could go on any longer — when I felt I’d never really laugh again.” Have those times come back to haunt her now? Doris’ very success today is the result of a tragic accident when she was fifteen which broke both her legs and ended her dreams of dancing. It was only then, when her career plans were brutally blasted, that Doris discovered she could sing. And during the fourteen months she was confined to her bed, she planned a new life. Discouraged? She never let on to the world. Still on crutches, the courageous youngster found employment in Cincinnati radio stations. Soon she was headed for the Big Time. She was singing with Les Brown’s orchestra when she met and married A1 Jordan. Doris promptly gave up her job and settled down as a housewife in Cincinnati. But something went sour and even Terry’s arrival couldn’t hold the marriage together. Doris and A1 were divorced in 1943. Terry went to live with his grandmother and his mother began her painful struggle for stardom. She had to make good, for success meant security for her son. She sang at nipht, slept by day, lived out of suitcases. Tired? It mustn’t show on the bandstand. Worried? Don’t let anyone know. Wh en she wed musician George Weidler, Doris once again gave up all thoughts of her career. She kept house in hotel rooms and, during the housing shortage in Los Angeles, made a home in a trailer on a dusty vacant lot. This marriage was for keeps, she’d vowed, but the odds were against it. Doris and George separated and she went back to work. Work was always a good remedy for heartbreak, wasn’t it? Her audiences loved her gaiety as she sang. But inside she was crying and, every so often, she sang with tears streaming down her cheeks. The day Doris’ agent took her to Warner Brothers to see director Michael Curtiz was a bleak one. This was the opportunity of her lifetime, but somehow she couldn’t manage a smile. The decision to make the separation from her husband permanent was fresh and she had cried all the night before. When she started to sing “Embraceable You,” the song reminded her of George and she began to cry again. A wise man, Curtiz saw through the tears. He saw warmth and feeling and understanding — all of the qualities that belong to the industry’s greatest stars. He talked to her as a father might. “I SHAMPOO WITHOUT WATER! New Dry Way Takes Only 10 Minutes! WAVE STAYS IN! You’ll thrill to the way Minipoo Dry Shampoo restores beautiful sheen, without disturbing your wave. QUICK AND EASY! No water, no suds, no drying. With its simple brush applicator, fragrant Minipoo powder removes excess oil, dirt and hair odors in just 10 minutes. Leaves your hair shining clean and fresh ! IDEAL DURING COLDS when you don’t want to wet your hair. Perfect for last-minute dates. Restores limp, stringy, oily hair to shining softness. Get this marvelous waterless shampoo today! 30 shampoos and applicator brush in every package. Ask for Minipoo Dry Shampoo— at all toilet goods and drug counters. MAKt DRESS SHOP IN YOUR HOME Fifth Avenue, New York firm desires ambitious women to sell Dresses, Suits. Lingerie in and from their home. As seen in "Vogue,” "Mademqiselle.” Experience unnecessary Good Commissions. Free Dresses too for personal use as EXTRA BONUS. No investment. Write for Sample Book. . Modern Manner Clothes, 260 Fifth Ave., Dept. T-2, New York 128 MOVIE, TV, RADIO STARS PHOTOS SPECIAL! For Limited Time Only— All your favorite stars in ONE BIG PACKAGE. New FASCINATING POSES! Many AUTtJGRAPHED! PROFESSIONAL wallet sizes suitable for framing. Sensational MoneySaving offer. Rush your dollar today! private HOME ADORESSIS. plus ocher RIVtAlINC INFORMATION of 17S OTHER TOP STARS. Also GIANT NEW CATALOG conuining ADDITIONAL MUNORIOS OF PHOTOS AND NAMES of Newest Surs-all is SENT FREE WITH YOUR ORDER if you act now! HOLLYWOOD FILM STAR CENTER, StudioB2 , Box 2309. HoHvROOd 20, Calil. MEWUNU^lT ^GREETIMG CARDS, Nn SHIN POFr.MEIXLUe.rXICRMINT. niKTT lllIHDAT.fiET will. UNIT . tic. Com easy EXIRA MONEY doily! Wonderful selection EVERYDAY GREETING CARDS! Every ectosion and purpose, plus ei<lustvo appealing GIFT HEMS. GIFT WRAPS: PERSONALIZED PARTYNAPS. STATIONERY, etc Get cord assortment on approval, with FREE ttotlonery somplej. ACT NOW! FOR FREE FAMOUS PEN! CHAS. C. SCHWER CO. 29BEIm St., W«stfieid, Mass. wi] PMous NAMI I “eTroefob/e 1 Pen If You 1 JWfNOW'l start a Greeting Card & Gift Shop at Home MAKE $50, $75, $100 and more EXTRA MONEY Show new ‘‘lifelike action” grreetlng cards. Complete line wrappings, gifts. Profits to lOO'T'r. plus Dormeyer Deepwell Fryer, other famous products as bonus. Write for Free Trial outfit of Feature All Occasion assortments on approval. Free color Catalog. Selling Guide. NEW ENGLAND ART F>UBLISHERS North Abington 221, Mass. New 1954 Assortment of novel Birthday, Get Well Cards INGROWN NAIL Hurting You? Immediate Relief! A few drops of OITTGUO® bring blessed relief from tormenting pain of ingrown nail. OUTGRO toughens the skin underneath the nail, allows the nail to be cut and thus prevents further pain and discomfort. OUTGRO is available at all drug counters. What’s Causing Your CONSTIPATION? . . . And What Can It Lead To? If your constipation is more than temporary you should read the authoritative FREE book on this subject, prepared under the supervision of one of America's leading hospitals. The part constipation plays in ulcers, colitis, liver, nervousness, etc.; its "warnings” and its after effects are explained. Write for your copy today. Address McCleary Hospital. 223 Elms Blvd., Excelsior Springs. Mo. 104