Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1954)

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BELLAS HESS Spring & Summer Catalog offers the newest styles for You and Your Family — at the lowest prices Join the millions of families who shop and save by mail from this color-filled catalog. Select I from thousands of new styles I and finest home items ... oil priced at America's greatest savings and all absolutely guaranteed . . • your money bock if you are not pleased. SAVE MONEY— TIME! ACT NOW! You've nothing to pay —no obligotion to buy. To get your catalog just send your name and address to: NATIONAL BELLAS HESS 247-22 Bellas Hess Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE RELIEF FOR COLD SORES \l»Bdlns drua ond doport\ pfVER BLISTERS [ men» »terei, Only 39c \ ■■ne Hfsher in Conoda \ CHAPPED LIPS ©1^ AvBlIoblP ot pH CARTOONISTS' EXCHANGE Dept. 592 Pleasant Hill. Ohio WHIRLING SPRAY Syringe FOR Women AT DRUG COUNTERS EVERYWHERE MARVEL CO. 132TW East St. New Haven, Conn. we pay postape. DOBBS CO., WALK OW ICE WITHOUT FALLING OK SLIPPING ONLY 50^ A Pair Now walk as po,. Men Women sure-footed as a ,,_j mountain goat. Children Just slip on Triple-Powerful Ice Grippers. Avoid dangerous, painful, embarrassing falls. Hardened, rustproof steel teeth give your feet firm footing on slickest ice or snow. Fit any size shoes, boots, rubbers or galoshes. Guaranteed or Money Back Easily slip on or off in a jiffy. Carry in purse or pocket — ready for instant use. Add l5c for postage. BARGAIN: 2 pair (4 Ice Grippers) only $1.00, No C.O.D. ’s please. 900 WEST LAKE STREET DEPT. 449, CHICAGO 7, ILL. BE A PRACTICAL NURSE ^ V No High School Necessary; No Age Limit "'T Send for sample lesson and nurse’s booklet. It's FREE ... no obligation. Just mail coupon. See for yourself how easy it is to get BIG PAY . . . gain social prestige and financial independence as a POST GRADUATE HOSPITAL trained PRACTICAL NURSE. Learn at hoAie while you earn. Don’t delay. Send coupon NOWl • POST GRADUATE HOSPITAL SCHOOL OF NURSING • 9C24 Auditorium Bldg. Chicago 5, III. Jname • ADDRESS • CITY -STATE needed that so,” a grateful Doris said later. With her first film, “Romance on the High Seas,” Doris found success. At last, she was able to send for Terry and her mother and give them a real home. But could she ever be sure of lasting happiness and security? Of the personal serenity she needed so? Each time she had thought she had them within her grasp, they had vanished cruelly. And then she found Marty Melcher. Now, in this period of wavering, you hear the phrase again and again: “Thank heavens she has a wonderful guy like Marty to see her through.” With the happy burgeoning of both her career and her marriage, Doris discarded the somber cloak she’d worn so long. The change was not gradual. It was sudden — if anything, too sudden. Doris determinedly remade her life. She seemed to become immune to such emotions as anger and fear. Apparently nothing could hurt her. Doris Day was the happiest girl in the world. One writer, who paid several visits to her sets, was amazed. “The director would yell ‘Cut’ and everyone would pull off to the side to rest. But not Doris. She kept going — joking, rehearsing, singing. Other people could blow their tops right and left. But nothing seemed to annoy this girl,” he said with astonishment. Photographers could always count on her for happy photographs. Magazines coufd count on her for happy stories. And the public could see her films and go away whistling. Doris’ new-found philosophy was not devised entirely for her own benefit. “When I first got into movies, my job represented security. It meant that I could take care of my son and my mother and myself,” she said. “Now I see it is my duty to entertain people. That’s my place in life . . . and if I can bring a little joy to all kinds of people, my mission is complete.” But can such natural feelings as irritation and anger be entirely ignored? Never allowed to come to the surface? Is it possible suddenly to cast off all unhappy memories? Or are they likely to be revived again through something no more serious than, perhaps, a pinprick of unpleasant gossip? Like the completely false but widely circulated story that Doris was selling photos to her fans. This, to a star who, with her mother’s help, has conscientiously seen to it that every one of the 15,000 letters she receives each month is handled personally, can carry a sting of cruelty far out of proportion to its importance. Particularly at a moment when, physically, she is not at her peak. “Some people take keen delight in knocking down reputations,” said Marty when the story reached his ears. But what malicious intent there was in the tale may have reached its mark more surely than its unknown instigator dreamed. “Doris is a normal girl,” Marty put it at the time. “She doesn’t claim to be anyone supreme. She has faults. So does everybody.” This perhaps is the key to the Doris Day illness. She is normal. She is human. It’s possible that the very same people who unwittingly helped build the legend of Doris Day have just as unwittingly begun to tear it down. It is a legend that, for Doris’ own good, should never have been created . . . for living it twenty-four hours a day could easily have proved too much, even for a Superwoman. And Doris is human — flesh and heart. As she said of Michael Curtiz’s kindness and understanding during those other bleak days, encouragement means so much to her. Now she needs it more than ever — from you, to whom she’s given so much. You can help still her fears. You can help Doris Day get well! The End // uou m you need this FREE Style Book It's an EXCITING way for you to shop I Like a fashion magazine ... it shows all the new Spring Fashions for TALL GIRLS. Tou can choose an entire Spring wardrobe of dresses, coats, suits. Jackets, blouses, skirts, slacks, sweaters, robes, slips, gowns, girdles, bras and stockings ... all designed to fit your TALL figure like a dream. TALL-slzes 10 to 20 • . . (priced like fashions in regular sizes). If you are not on our mailing list send coupon below. Mail Coupon for your Free Style Book Today -T A I I Over Five-Seven Shops I I.I. Over Five-Seven Shops, Dept. T2I 465 Fifth Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. T lease send me your “Over Fivo-Seven Shop” Spring Style Book. Name Street Post Ofllce City State. Marquise CLUSTER RliSG’’ Is Yours for eeliing 4 Rosebud Pertume for only 50j< a bottle. Any gii'l— young or old — will love this ring made ot 1/30 14k Rolled Gold plate; set with a large sparkling simulated blue Sapphire center surrounded by 8 dazzling simulated brilliants. Order 4 Perfume. Send NO Money. ROSEBUD PERFUME CO. Box 76, Woodsboro, Maryland. ANY PHOTO ENLARGED Size 3 X 10 Inches on DOUBLE-WEIGHT Paper Same price for full lengrth or bust form, groups, landscapes, pet animals. etc., or enlargements of any part of a group picture. Original is returned with your enlargement. SendNoMoney 3for$Fo| Just mail photo, negative or snapshot (any size) and receive your enlargement. i& guaranteed fadeless, on beautiful doubleweight portrait quality paper. Pay postman 67c mus postage— or send 69c with order and we pay postage. Take advantage of this amazing offer. Sendvourphotostoday* Prolessional Art Studios, 534 S. Main, Dept. 34-B Princeton, llOnois FREE CATALOG-MONUMENTS FROM $14.95 Monuments of rare beauty and artistic perfection are now sold by mail at astounding savings. All carving, polishing and finishing operations are done in the modern Rockdale plant. Exclusive sale by mail direct to the consumer guarantee lowest prices. Prices include inscription and Rockdale pays the freight. Write today for FREE illustrated catalog of over 50 monuments. No obligation. Rockdale Mon lunentCompany, Dept. 636, Joliet, 111. P 105