Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1954)

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I.lilress h-llfis to l<cirl(-rs. Inc.. I' 1 1 (>l(>l‘ I. 1) . 2(1.', i;„.-l 12 Sirect, \cic ) ork 17. AVic } orh. Much as nc mni'tl III.,to. ICC cannot jnomiso to inihlisli. return or reply tti all letters. SOAP BOX: I'lie Editors of Photoit.ay tell me I have received a lot ol criticism because 1 seem too placid and iiuconcerned about my luture. 1 ni sorry that tans leel this way because it isn t true. Em not uuconceiued about my futine. And if I seem to be too jilacid, it's because I've learned that for me at least being placid pays olT. Recently the studio presented a stage show called "Inside ,U-I" in which I was assigned to play a role like every Lori fooled the critics other part I've played: a sweet giil. But I wanted to play Nora, the hussy, in the scene from “Here Come the Clowns.” I mentioned it to Estelle Harmon, the U-I drama coach. I guess I mentioned it to her ten times a day, and finally I was given the go ahead although everyone was skeptical — except me. 1 never worked so hard in my life, but it paid off, and the critics were wonderful. One director came backstage and shook my hand. Another said, "I'd never have believed yoti could do it.” Maybe now I’ll begin to get more challenging roles. I hope so. But il I do, it won't he because I can scream louder than the next girl. Actually I've never even raised my voice. I'm still the girl with the placid personality, and I hope I stay that way. I have a hunch I'll get more of what I want that way. Lori Nki.son Wouldn’t it he wonderful if .Tune Haver and Fred MacMurray really did marry? They each have suffered .so much sorrow and unhappiness: Fred with the prolonged illness and death ol his beloved wife and .Tune’s terrible sorrow over the death of her fiance and her disappointment at the time she left the convent. I am sure all their fans and friends are praying that these two will find the happiness they so richly deserve — together. Mrs. Edith Long Iloulton, Maine Alter your Decendjer issue came out with a picture ol .5 Cl's in Germany, they were overwhelmed with mail. One young lady of 17 even went so far as to send a big box ol homemade fudge. Being the one elected to write and thank her, 1 found 1 had lost her while moving from one place to another. All of which brings about my writing now', as 1 know that she'd he glad to hear we all enjoyed her ludge. I would be very pleased il you could print this in your column, as 1 am quite sure she would see it in a future issue. Hope 1 am not jmshing my luck too far. 1 realize that you cannot always he doing favors for a Gl. Pfc. R. Pei’INo Det. "A" 7809 SCU APO 164 c/o P.M, New York Although I usually disapiuove of articles which probe deeply into the jiersonai lives of the stars, 1 want to thank you lor the illuminating article on Gail Russell in the March Photoplay. Gail has been tops with me for a long time and, if she w’ants to, I hope she returns to the screen eventually. But her personal well-being comes hrst and I'd like her to know that 1 will always he pulling for her — and for Guy Madison, whose dignity in the lace ol trouble should serve as an example lor all of us. Jim Meykr M iami, Florida I would like to see more of Teresa Brewer. She's a doll. Roherta Lewis Charleston. West Virginia Last night I saw "Julius Caesar” at the him festival here in Djakarta and f want to thank M-G-M for giving us Greer Garson teas missed such a great motion picture with such a wonderful cast. It sure is good to see Greer Garson again after a long absence from the screen. L. E. Westplat Djakarta, Indonesia 1 wish people would ipiit criticizing the actors and actre.sses on their personal lives. I think that what they do is their own Take Gene Nelson and Jane Powell. .Maybe they made a mistake and maybe not. Maybe if [leople would lay off, these marriages would Do the people who criticize the stars think they themselves are so perfect that they have never ma<le a mistake? Let the stars alone and let them iron out their own problems. Lai ra Hess Rockford, Illinois I guess it matters not il Debbie Reynolds has blue eyes on the co\er or brown eyes on page 39, she is still a beaut ! Herman Bandy Cambria, \ irginia CASTING: When 1 heard that Bette Davis was again cast as (Jueen Elizabeth I, it delighted me. I hen 1 read that production Dick Burton looks the part! on the film was held u]i because no Sir Walter Raleigh coidd be lound, so 1 decided to do some research on my own. I've been going mad trying to find a good portrait of Raleigh in his youth ami I’ve finally found one |)ainte<l i)y Zuccaro dated 1583 showing Raleigh at about 31. I lound a striking resemblance, and I’m willing to bet anyone that it is practically a spitting image ol Richard Burton. He's definitely the man, since he not only looks the part, but after seeing him in "The Robe," there's no one who'll dispute his ability. Jerry DiIoru) Providence, Rhode Island I thoroughly disagree with the suggestion that "South Pacific” should stai Gordon MacRae and Doris Day. I was fortunate enough to see the road show of “South Pacific” with Martha Wright and Webb Tilton, and 1 just can’t see Gordon and Doris. My only suggestion — how about Martha and Webb? Doris Baeahon Vancouver, Washington (Continued on page 27) 25