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Photoplay (1923)

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i4 EARN UP TO $250 PER MO. Expenses Paid MEN fTfi WANTED! Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section DC A RAILWAY ULTRAmC INSPECTOR Positions Open— Must be Filled Fascinating work, witli chance to travel. Meet big railway executives; advance rapidly; field uncrowded. Any average man can quickly qualify. YOUR PROTECTION You talie no risk. Read Guarantee Notice. Hundreds of successful graduates. You can succeed; we prepare you in .3 months' spare time at home. .... A'ka ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Don't delajr; send coupon standard Business Training Inst. GUARANTEE Onr guarantee states that tuition will be refunded to you if, upon graduatirnt, vosttion is not obtained, paying at least $120 a mo. ana expenses. today for Booklet No. D-61 giving full particulars. STANDARD BUSINESS TRAINING INSTITUTE Buffalo, N. V„ Buffalo. H. Y, Send me. entirely free. Booklet No. D-61 grivinK full particulars about course in Railway Traffic In^ ^# apection. P Name. Street. ... . City. G VACUUM TUBE^ mAPiosmm The Set You Always Wanted Real RADIO SET— listen in on C9ncerts, Lectures.Siuging, etc. Can receive 75 to 100 miles anci more. RUSH your name and address and we will tell you HOW you can get our VACUUM TUBE RADIO SET. Given Away Don't delay. Write today for FREE Radio Plan. Home Supply Co. 131 Duane St. Dept. 188, N.Y.City BE A JAZZ MUSIC KASTER PLAY PIANO BY EAR Play popalar eong hits perfectly by ear. Hum the tone, play it bIFear. No tedioas, ding-dong daily practice — just twenty tjrief , entertaining lessons which yea can master At Home in Your Spare Time .gend for the FREE BOOK. It tells how to start if yoa want masical ability at which friends will marvel. Niagara School of Musle, P<. 543, Niagara Falls, N. Y. $500 PRIZE CONTEST The Lester ParkEdward Whiteside photoplay, "Empty Arms," inspired the song "Empty Arms." A third verse is wanted, and to the writer of the best one submitted a prize of S500.00 cash will be paid. This contest is open to everybody. You simply write the words for a third verse — it is not necessary that you see the photoplay before doing so. Send us your name and address and we shall send you a copy of the words of the song, the rules of the contest and a short synopsis of this photoplay. It will cost you nothing to enter the contest. "Empty Arms" Contest Editor World M. P. Corporation 245 West 47th St. Dept. 698IVI New York. N. Y. Ll^ O HEIRS AND W O 1 RELATIVES LOCATED ANYWHERE 715 GILLETTE BUILDING SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Learn Cartooning At Home— In Your Spare Time from the school that has trained so many of the snccessf ul cartoonists of today earning from $50 to $200 and more per week. The Landon Pictore Chart Method of teaching makes original drawing easy to leam. Write for full information and chart to THE LANDON SCHOOL 1407 National BldK.>CI«v«land,0< Brickbats and Bouquets [ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 13 ] She's Loyal to Rodolph New York City. Editor Photoplay Magazine. Dear Sir: Why on earth must some people criticize a man who has given his very best to his public, when he is already deluged with so many annoyances? I am referring to Rodolph Valentino. I was in a theater where his picture, the "Young Rajah," was being shown. Somebody detected Mr. Valentino sitting in a box. The ovation that followed is beyond description. The applause and the cheering were actually deafening. The appreciation that was shown him was wonderful. He was then asked to say a few words to satisfy the audience, which he did with the elegance and dignity of a fine speaker. While he was sitting through the picture it was very noticeable that he was entirely disillusioned. One could see by the expression on his face that he felt he was not giving the very best in him. The public has made Rodolph Valentino and wants him, and him only. Ruth Lowenstein. A Bouquet for Miss Ridgely Dallas, Texas. Editor Photoplay Magazine. Dear Sir : As an old-time Photoplay "fan" I want to register my protest against the producers of "The Law and the Woman" making such a mistake in starring Betty Compson as the real star in that picture is Cleo Ridp;ely and notie other. Talk about acting — well, she does some of the most superb work I have ever seen in a long time. She has Betty Compson "backed off the boards" in that picture. Honor where honor is due! E. McHuRD. A Request from Canada Ottawa, Canada. Editor Photoplay Magazin-e. Dear Sir: Why is Canada so seldom truthfully represented on the screen? The Canadian-made picture, "The Man from Glengarry," gives you an idea of typical Canadian life. We generally see Canada represented as a vast stretch of snow-covered land, relieved only by a few log cabins or a barracks of the valiant Mounted Police. Regardmg the inhabitants of this purely imaginative country, who are constituted largely of blood-thirsty Indians, lawless rum-runners and avaricious Hudson Bay Company factors, they too are found only on the screen. We Canadians would like to see a picture of Canada in which there are no imaginative characters, but, instead, Canada as it really is. Jewel Garvin. Tom, Dick and Rodolph Phil., Penn. Editor Photoplay Mag.\zine. Dear Sir: There is a lot of talk just now, about Rodolph Valentino. Well, he is one of the three actors whom I admire. Now I've been married almost nine years — and after one hundred months of washing dishes, making beds, and scrimping to make ends meet, 3'ou get pretty tired of it all. You begin to think your husband doesn't care — and all that stuff. I go through it about four times a year. Valentino makes me forget dishes for a whUe and after I see him, I think of the days before the hundred months, and begin to think maybe my husband does love me just as much as ever. Tommy Meighan, I go to see wdth the same feeling as I would have were I watching a big brother. But Richard Barthelmess is my real favorite. I always wUl admire his two Davids, in "Way Down East" and "Tol'able Da\id." When I saw "Way Down East" I thought that was how I would like my boy to be when he grew up. He was then six. Last winter he was taken Home, just a few weeks after his sixth birthday. Barthelmess' acting I think the best on the screen, but there will always be the personal side for me. Mrs. Viegdoa S. Culien. Outspoken at Least Haverhill, Mass. Editor Photoplay Magazine. Dear Sir: I have just been to see "Jazzmania." I thought it was deplorable. So much has been said regarding the over-cooked personality of the beauteous Mae that I lack words — adjectives in particular. But I know that it was worse than her others because I talked all through it about the coal shortage (which doesn't mean a thing to you) and no one bawled me out — because they were all talking too. ' ' Fury ' ' is coming soon to a local theater and I'm not going. I think Richard Bar — (you know) is aU that an actor should be and 100% more but I agonized through" Tol'able Da\id" and looked at life through smoked glasses for a week. Now who wants — ? Oh, well — I know — it was wonderful. It's just that I'm young, and — foolish. Speaking of Boiiquets — I liked May ^IcAvoy's acting in "Kick In." _I think Jacqueline Logan "stole" the picture from Wanda Hawley in "Burning Sands." I held my breath in rapture all through " The Voice from the Minaret." I think Bobby Agnew is an exception — and will prove it — when he gets a good picture and the responsibility of making it a success or failure. I'm glad Harold Lloyd is married to Llildred Da\'is and probably he is too. I like John Bowers' looks. I'd trust him and Harold Lloyd with a million dollars — smilingly. And Brickbats — I've never seen Pola Negri but I know I won't like her. I don't like William Famum — he's too fat — his hair is too curly and he over-acts. I dislike Mae Murray's ultra-greasy eyelids and mouth. If I had been Rod La Roque in "Jazzmania" I — Oh, well, he probably liked it. Anj^vay, he got paid for it. More Bouquets — I think Frank Keenan was great in "Hearts Aflame." And that Leatrice Joy and Norma Talmadge reign supreme. I hked Miss Joy's Minnie. And love Miss Talmadge's pictures whatever they are. I always like the young man that played the chewing-gum salesman in Minnie. He's good and the only movie shadow I know of whose name I can't place. D. D. A French Substitute Milwaukee, Wis. Editor Photoplay Magazint:. Dear Sir: We have seen the picture of imported de Roche who is supposed to take the place of V alentino . We do not believe that he wUl make the grade. In the first place, de Roche has not the personality that takes with movie fans. He looks more like a prize fighter than he does an actor. On the other hand, Valentino has all the salient points of a good, clean, handsome actor, and his place will not be easily filled, especially by de Roche. E. C. S [continued on page J.61 Every advertisement in PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE is guarantew*.