Photoplay (1923)

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Photoplay Magazine — Advertising Section ^Thjc Famous YpRK|/ Saxophone W free trial It Is a fact. You can now have the famous York Saxophone-the easiest instrument to play-shipped to your home on 10 days' freelrial. Keep the instrument tor 10 full days. Play on It. Convince yourself of its fine quality and richness of tone. And then, if you are not completely satisfied in every way simply ship the Saxophone back to us and it' won't cost you a penny. Take Your Choice If the saxophone isn't what you want, choose rLl another of the world popular York Band In I struments. Anyoneof tUesesenton lOdays' J free trial to your door. Take your pick oir^ " Clarinets — Cornets — Trumpets — A Itos — ■ c'T'* " Basses— Drums — Trombones — Baritones — Saxophones. Send coupon for beautifullj' illustrated catalog showing all Instruments. Easy Payments IE You Buy Our easy payment plan makes It easy for you to Ktatify that ambition to own a York Band instrument. Simply makesmall monthly remittances and ■ pay while learning «to play. We send you all necessary attachmentseverything you need. Coupon Brings Information Fill out this coupon and mail at once and we wil" you full details of our Free Trial and Easy Pay plan on any York instrument. The coupon pute under no oblisation t^ buy. J. Wo YORK & SONS Dept.216E,GrandRapids,Micb Send Coupon TODAY J. W. YORK & SONS, Dept. 216E, Grand Rapids, Mich. Gentlemen: Kindly mail, without cost to me. your beautifully illustrated literature and details of your Free Trial and Easy Payment Offer. NAME ADDRESS INSTRUMENT (Mention above the instrument most interested in) ART Meyer Both Company, the largest Commercial Art Organization in the World, offers you an unusual opportunity for practical training. If you liketo drawdevelop your talent. Study this practical course — taught by the nationally Snown Meyer Both Company, with twenty-two years success—who each year produces and sella to advertisera over 15.000 commercial drawings. Our teachers give you the double advantage of being Instructors of proven ability, as well as artists in this widely known organization. Meyer Both Instruction is the difference between suceessf u 1 factand evperimcntal theory Commercial Art is a highly paid, intensely interestins profession, equally open to men and women. Home . study instruction. Get facts Before You Enroll in any School. Ask the Advertising Manager of the leading newspapers in your city, anywhere in the United States. Canada. England or Australia about the Meyer Botb Company — let them tell you about us. Write for our illustrated book "YOUR OPPORTUNITY"— for one-half the cost — mailing — fourcentsin stamps. MEYER BOTH COMPANY Department of Art Instruction Michigan Ave.al20lhSl.,DepL31 CHICAGO, ILL NOTE— To Art and Engraving Firms: Secure practical artLsts among our graduates. Write us, Kill The Hair Root My method is the only way \ o prevent the hair from growing again. Easy, painless, harmless. No scars. Booklet free. Write today, enclosing 3 stamps. We teach beauty culture. 25 years in business. D. J. MAHLER, 26S-C Mahler Park, Providence, R. I. Jewel S., Nkw York City. — I'm afraid that Agnes Ayres and Rodolph Valentino will not play opposite each other for some time to come. Not, at least, while Agnes is under contract to Paramount, and Rodolph says he isn't. Have you seen Agnes with her fuzzy bobbed hair? She's a very different young person. I'm sorry that you don't like Wanda Hawley. She's a nice girl, and a very blond one. Perhaps, if you write to Robert Frazer in care of the Whitman Bennett Studios, Yonkers, New York, he will send you a photograph. It's worth trying, anyway, if you really want the picture! Sallie, Mobile, Ala. — Yes, there are very persistent rumors that Constance Talmadge will marry again. Who? Irving Berlin, no less. Gloria Swanson's hair is a sort of dark red color. An exotic shade that seems to suit her. We're rather strong for Gloria. Don't ask me why you don't see more of Anita Stewart, Shirley Mason and Elaine Hammerstein. You don't go to the right places. I've seen a lot of them lately. Bernice, Berkeuey, Cal. — Here are the addresses. Six good ones. Katherine MacDonald — 904 Girard Street, Los Angeles; Betty Ross Clark — Savoy Hotel, Los Angeles; Viora Daniel — Christie Studios, 6101 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles; Mabel BaUin — 366 Fifth Avenue, New York City; Doris Kenyon — 805 West End Avenue, New York City, and Mary Pickford — Pickford-Fairbanks Studios, Hollywood, Cal. Alice Calhoun Fan. — I don't blame you for admiring her. She's a real person with a real brain under her lovely hair — which, in answer to your question, is brown. So are her eyes. Write to her in care of Vitagraph, 1708 Talmadge Street, Hollj'^vood, Cal. I wouldn't be surprised if she answered your letter. E. B., Schenectady, N. Y. — These answers are going to be disappointing to you for Niles Welsh and Charles Ray are both married. Isn't life hard? Charles is about thirty or thirty-one — he was born in 1891, figure it out for yourself. Mr. Chaplin began life as a barefoot boy in Paris. But his parents were English. Only English parents would have named a son Charles Spencer. Helen McM., Jersey City, N. J. — We don't blame you, not a bit, for asking all about Ralph Graves. He is a decorative young man ! But we fear that bitter disappointment lies in wait for you — not to say anguish. For Ralph is married, to pretty Marjorie Seaman. He is sLx feet, one inch tall, and weighs one hundred and seventy pounds. "Just Like a Woman," with George Fawcett and Marguerite de la Motte. And he may be reached in care of Universal, Universal Citv, Cal. Virginia, St. Louis, Mo. — I'm glad that 3'ou like my answers better than Valentino's photographs — if more women felt that way I'd run for president of something or other. Yes, Thomas Meighan is a splendid chap — and just as handsome as he looks in pictures. You'll be glad to know that Frances Ring is his first — and only — wife. Tom is as popular as Valentino, I think — but in a very different way. Gypsy. — Don't you worry about writing to me on embossed paper with a crest and aU that sort of thing. I get so many letters from ladies — written on scented crested paper in violet and green ink — that plain white paper is a relief. \ny way, why worry about my likes and dislikes when you're onlj' writing to me to get the addresses of three other men? Here they are: Rod La Roque — Green Room Club, New York City; Rodolph Valentino — Hotel des Artists, New York City; Irving Cummings — 1837 Morgan Place, Hollywood, Cal. o t irpr^ Oliver No. 9 with ^SAVLli standard keyboard. Monthly flow I .P^"^*.' $49.50 ^ S/y/f OLIVER ThelLl923ModelNOWRead^ Here is the latest and greatestof all typewriters. Send NOW for complete details of this wonderfui NEW 1923 machine, andourmoneysaving offer. TheOliver Quiet Speedster is the crowning achievement of 28 years of manufacturing. Equipped with the NEW standard 3bank keyboard. ANY operator can runitwithout Joss of time or output. ■ »'Vf " • $55.00. Net" Cash Oliver No.' ii' with And the World'* Best °7nTs'. CTi^ Typewriter .hipped to ^Yor°N5""(?L"i; ^C? Cft you direct iromtactory price ^Ul««lv This marveloos new model Oliver Is offered to you at th« lowest price and easiest terms ever otfert^d for a standard machine. It has every modern improvement and many new and ori^nal refinements. No expensive branch offices. Simplified model ana efficient manufactory Ingr methods make this price possible. What basiness man will besitate to save over S50 when he can g-et a BETTTER machine at half the cost of other standard typewriters? Doa*t doobt. M»lt» sore. Write for offer and FR££ TRIAL. WEEK'S TRIAL FREE— FREE CATALOG Send for this wonderf'jl typewriter on FR£E TRIAL FOR A WEEK. Use it. Test it. Compare it. Then after trial If delig-hted. you par a small amount down and the balance on easy montfily terma with nearly a year to pay. If not. return it at oar expense. You take no risk. Write today for catalogs and FREE OFFER. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPANY 1475X Oliver Typewriter BIdg., Chicago, 01, Indestructible PEARLS This wonderful, captivating strine of really fine Lettie Mae Pearls c^n easily be YOURS. Beautifully sized 24-inch string of pearls. Indestructible. Iridescent — choice of white, cream or flesh. Solid gold clasp. LettieMae Pearls adorn leaders of society and famous screen stars You can makea charming appearance — be a sensation among your friends. Send No Money. Just send us yoor name and address. Postman will bring these beautiful pearls to your door by return mail. Pay bim only $5 and pearls ,i are yours. Send your name and ad^^Jk dress NOW ! ^ The Lemae linporttne Co. ^^JB^ 75 N. New Jersey St. V«V J\ apolis, Ind. To Correct Coarse Pores Use SACHETS CONCENTRES. These little bags of pure herb preparations are an old world remedy, marvellously effective. One sachet, squeezed in water, gives a milky solution which is the best known face wash for an oily, coarsened skin. Even a week's constant use will show a splendid improvement. Box of 25 sachets, $2.25 by mail. Send for booklet. VDAHSY 17-D West 49 th Street New York Phone Chcle 0465 How Many Pounds Would You Like to Gain in a Week? If you are thin and want to gain weight, I will send you a sample of the famous Alexander Vitamines absolutely Free. Do not send any money — just your name and address to Alexander Labora tories, 3222 Gateway Station, City, Mo PIANO UAZZ By Note or Ear. With or without music. Short Conrsie Adult beginners taught by mail. No teacher required Self-Tnetruction Course for Advanced Pianists. Learn 67 styles of Base, 180 S.vncopated Effects Blue Harmony. Oriental. Chime. Movie and Cafe Jazz. Trick Endinps Clever Breaks. Space Fillers. Sax Slurs. Triple Bass, Wicked Harmony. HlueObligato and 247 other Subject*, including Ear Pla\ ing. 110 pages of REAL Jarz. 25.000 words. A Postal brings our FREE Special Offt r Waterman Piano School tlV^tJs'iVclml^' Every advertisement in PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE Is guaranteed.