The Photo-Play Journal (May-Dec 1917)

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P4GE 48 THE PHOTO-PLAY JOURNAL FOR NOVEMBER, 1917 ^ . h***************************************************************^ Tl*E PHOTO-PLAY JOURNAL I *****.\..\..\..\.*************i ************************ OR NOVEMBER, 1917. PAGE THE VAN OPHONE A MUSIC MASTER FOR THE MASSES **********************+*^ N o PERSON can surmise what the happj surpn thc future may be; but al the present age. the Vam phone is the mosl wonderful, the most enjoyable and useful musical instrument at such a low pnef the most ,.. which there is any knowledge In the creation and development of this instrument WC have been beset with one remarkable siirprise after another. To make a machine that would reproduce muoi: with all its original Hauu and charm, and the human voice with its eloquent gradations, was our aspn ;,iioi. This we have accomplished and it is a most remarkable achievement. But to make this highly refined and dependable phonograph to sell at the airoareut ridiculously low price $12 is truly marvelous, have accomplished it. \nd what does all ll thus,' who enjoy lb Yet w< is mean ....• phonograph? so who delight in the perfect refavorite theme, th L'o those who delight in the perfect reproduction of their favorite theme, till remarkable recording of the classics and withal the magic identity of the human voice. It means that where hitherto the piano in the home and the organ in the church gave the average man and woman all the music they might hope for, a Sousa's Hand, Melha. Caruso and songs that awake the echoes ol the Metropolitan Opera I louse can now be enjoyed and appreciated; it means that classics and music hitherto regarded as exclusive pleasures for the wealthy can now travel to the remotest country village; it means that Ham I'ryor's, the V. S. Marine Hand, Harry Lauder, Bert Williams and all the popular comedians and entertainers can now be enjoyed in v our "iv n home with the V'anopl e. Appeals to All 'This machine will appeal to all music lovers who have heretofore denied themselves the pleasure of having a phonograph because of their objections to the horn, for the Vanophone contain . neither horn nor projections of am kind. The large opening as shown in front of the machine serves in a superior way as a path or conductor for the tone, rolling out the tuneful melodies in such a char, smooth volume. A Household Treasure ms walking nil did not i "slurb the m-rl door neighbor. II « milium Vanophoncs. Miss e.l.s.v BKUXOTTK, I'varhcr uf Ucfrctiic syecrh. I.I II VJIIi SI.. V, „' \iirl; Villi. No Cabinet or Frills— All Music I lie fOCi th it (I,, ■<1" nhi what There's a musical surprise in store for ere/// iirrson iilm purchases a Vanophone. ll tshinp tiour company every success, I remain I cry truly l/oiirs, Ok,,, w. Kinzki.. InW I. :.:,,! SI , Oil ri limit. Ohio. A Marvel of Musical Efficiency toitfoincii: i inn. in. ,i using ,, Vanophone tor some weeks mil mvst sap Unit ii is „ marvel i,l musical for Mined / paid V„„, 11,1 ; ,„///,„/ hit which o) tin m,i l think llmi remarkable wh in price is roiisld, ,.,/ l'oui's train. It will appeal to critics who object to the hollow metallic or barrel sounds usually produced by the use of brass projectors, for the Vanophone is positively free from any harshness, alien or metallic sounds. It brings to you only the natural sound, glorious in tonal beauty and readily distinguished — not some indefinite and unknown' sound that can be vaguely imagined to he someone singing. What It Plays The Vanophone plays ten or twelve inch records and plays them well, better in fact than some of the higher priced machines. It repro :luces with a precision and volume that is truly delightful. Its construction is substantial, its appearance attractive, and it positively is the biggest value ever of fered in a dependable phonograph. And it is only by reason of the large quantity production a n d unexcelled manufacturing facilities that the remarkable low price of $12 prevails. What it is Made of The base is made from a special alloy of metals which are selected for their sound, softening effect and amplifying qualities. It is free, absolutely so, from such things as cabinet warping, pulling out of shape or being in any way affected by climate conditions. In no sense is the Vanophone an assembled machine. It is manufactured completely in our own factory— each and every part of it — and every ounce of material used is of the very highest grade obtainable. ■ Moreover, this instrument is backed by a big and successful manufacturing ment — something untried — but a perconcern. You are not getting an experifected instrument proven by practical methods. The Vanophone is tin result of ability, knowledge and a determination to give you the greatest value m the musical world— and we have succeeded. , , The finish is black enamel, with gold relief. Combined with the highly polished nickel plated speed regulator. tow arm sound reproducer and record |>la l ■ it possesses a very rich and motractive appearance. i 1 lira ' mill ll 1 nil I a In liimj liul the heart or mechanism which cs (lie reproducing n is /,-,, from all extravanl Mils. rii, him iiiui colum, nl your machine is train mdcrful, for il is clear ami distinct unit en tinln ■ nun sriiltrliinil or nu;-limiii-iil sound* for ,„l in i ncnts is pin th, dWcren 4 The motor is reliable, silent, smooth •,,„! . ., made of the very best materials, selected and ? ,S ^n r"lulln8 and is they will permit the proper performance th tl I ■ y -tested s0 that they are intended. Furthermore, th" ? mo to -and \,f,UnCtl0.n f°r which entirely enclosed in a dust proof case and so with °?"g parts art should last a lifetime. "" s0 Wltn ordinary care it The Reproducer The reproducer — what it embodies wW :, , what it actually performs-is a "mo t re at-kal I '"^'i .nossmle-and carefully made and correct in every tail contrivance. It is a complete form that it may be^rmanentty ad SflTnc '" T" vou get the Vanophone, it s .readv ami ,.„,. Hence, when annoyed with, any delicate ad ustme, ts Tl iwenrooW bf>™*™ proved qualities and will reproduce, will, . cle ,r M VI emI„ote "»highest as well as the lowest notes. ' be"-,,ke fullness, the An Exclusive Feature A most exclusive, convenient and novel feature of this „i, is the automatic brake which automatical!, starts and Ins T^1' chine as the reproducer s placed either ri„ ',,, 7,ff7t e"b the '"a not possessed by some of the high £ v° ed F machined %h~\f T" -C a perfect automatic feature and by no mea , a fl iS, brake ,s h, view of this feature, the Vanophon ""plat " ittelf " rtr'*' St,°?pcruncertain skill or whims^consequently an Sir lt?S '* leftt? always obtainablc-al all times and at any nlace Ii ' ,tormane,e is by a nickled key or switch which is mounted™ front'base'5 "^^^ What It Means to You i • , ^phonograph "ot onl>' represents a highly refined and dependable machine, but its ridiculously low price makes it an ideal combination of satisfying results and economical buying. Just think of it-only $12. A price far below your remotest expectations. And you can purchase the Vanophone with •very assurance of complete satisfaction and your music hungry anticipation will be fully a i i rePrcse„ts the greatest value ever "tiered for a machine of this kind. It is not ■in experiment, not a toy, but a machine dec-loped to such a point of perfection that it 's regarded as a musical marvel by many Prominent persons and musical critics throughout the country. Range of Enjoyment Its range of enjoyment is not limited to cbdiinT a°"C' ," is a P°rtable ""chine «c going only twelve pounds in all. hence, it r ■ r ■' be Tpacked in your suitcase or ''■c 'lis bag. It ,s ideal for dancing parties, rum C i p-si' parties, motor boating, tractive8 a" t "'"'"'erfully increase the at ■veness of j-our summer home. hi-in.r, ua,r ^ anopbone is to want it. It ■js i an the grand opera stars to your home lerprets their offerings in a most natural ;;:.' ' '■ And what i, more beautiful, more ttu and more entertaining than an hour will vo,,r f -' COmmu»io» out in the open "'in i our favorite entertainer. realitv rv(a!u,1,h"1"' <mk^ 'his enjoyment a staidnn,-,,? ,s,"1<lestructible from a practical villi ""' fnd xy0Ur Cllildren ca» operate it ,. Perfect safety. V„r it positively is free complications, free from exposed. deli Oar Money-Back Guarantee Has No Strings Tied to It THAT the \ REMEMBER ophon; is pnslt:-, "money-bac quibble if will do. THAT charge. sli„Mlil feetivc tin gh or workmanshi] O'tlinieil to us. wo agree to repair whei lurges -i 1,1. THAT sti s. THAT inid dn prapnid ;:t ill;.' wibI:/ I., poll lurnble inatei'inls ami th ordinary eare. Il'-il THAT il„ epi ■ill play Ii lutifully. price is ig greatest ■rfed perf rate and easilj daniajred or broken pans. Tts adjuStmen( ' permanent. Sureh there is "9 form of entertainment or education that creates a more elpfu mHuenee for your club dren than a Vanophone. Not "ici-elv as a source of enter ■"""icii. bm as an educatoi this machine deserves v.iiii wry sen,„is consideration. The Vanophone is Guaranteed If it 'is'not' fomil to'h?^?™ y°U '""'e'H'kc no risk nolle whatever. money v I e „K ' ,, I ,„PreSfe1 'd ;"-"' ?" wc claim f»r « v„„r chasers pronouncelhe ' , '''""■ ''.'"""'e'l Thousands of purjoyable and mo ST„ ef„l hScal hist?, ' !'T' K""'u'i"\ ™* ">their attention. musical instrument that was ever brought to Buy Your Vanophone NOW entertained b5 the world's greS graiS^Tera^ars and Steffi? And the contracting price for this high class entertehunent is only *"• . ^V"''' '" die historv of music was such a wonderful and inexpensive entertainment ... comphshed till ,| was made possible by the low price oi the \ anophonc. Remember that the cost of this machine complete with one package of Vanophone needles. ,s „„1, $12.00 F, ( ). B. laetorv, h.lvria Ohio. The eosi of the Vanophone is indeed a small '""" Ol the real worth, service and enjoy incut von will get oul of it. ii comes to vou complete read, For operation. In two minutes or less time alter you receive it, llle toll, arm reproducer and turn table can be placed ",' i",s'.1 ■ ami from this linn the Van,, phone is Forever at your service. Make a resolve now to -purchase i ,,i bese machines. Vou will be delighted with fie ultimate benefil as .-, lover of music vou >ai i help but he, . Send in y ■ order now s,, thai within a lew clays you ma.v enjoy the enchanting strains of music made possible by this wonderful machine. line is a giuin ' and nuickly witl in do nut lind the \ s. and lo ,|„ w|,,,| unho roplu ,irls I parts lids, is limile Will lllsl I,,; Ills $12.00 Value ev family lllleil'l, iplcte -er offerci ally guar, will I hi this vv, ul( the i, I,. , tiii high class, t phonograph. THAT Vim ami day your attentioi machine. THAT deliveries are proinptlj mi 'THAT— The Vanophone is efficiency free from any delicate hair trigger "ndjustnieid that causes breakage and trouble. its eon. struetion is simple, durable and lasting, A wonderful production at a wonderful price. $12.00 F. O. 11. Factory. elf. To Sum It Up We have told you Ihe advantages ol tin \ anopbone, its range of usefulness and i n joyment, hut printed words cannot properlj emphasize these points. There is one way and one vv.u ,,nlv io actually know this music marvel, and thai is l,v personal contact, by hecrmg h y urself. If v .1 lik: -m.-i kind oi music, you will "like the Vanophone I hai s the situation in a nut shell. It is all »e sa.v 11 is and 1 ven 1 -e, and is s,,ld 1,, ,.„„ on that basis Gl IR I \ TEED. The public want for a high character machine al a low cost has been fulfilled by the \ anopbone. •( 1, in order will receive ,1 attention. tn.***************************^^^ Send the price, $12.00, and we will ship at once, F. O. B. Elyria, Ohio. If you are not satisfied, return it and get your money back. THE VANOPHONE SALES CO. , 612-614 CHESTNUT STREET /. .-. PHILADELPHIA, PA. f il. ■!■ .U it. ■!■ A. ■!■ A A A