The Photo-Play Journal (Jul 1919-Feb 1921)

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Feb ruary , 192 1 23 enjoy books of travel more than any other kind. Reading is my favorite pastime, anyway. No matter how tired I am, I am never too tired to read. I am never content to be idle. If I merely sit down to rest for a few minutes I read a few pages of a good book and feel much more rested than if I had just been doing merely nothing." I discovered that Miss Johnstone was certainly sincere in her enjoyment of books. She has a few volumes in her dressing room at the studio, some in her car and at least one in every room in the house. She reads the oldest and the newest books. Truly, I have never seen any woman revel in her books so much as does Justine. But she also enjoys other things. In fact, she enjoys everything. She is a healthy, vital glowing person who enjoys life and everything in it. She likes the theatre and she likes people. She is seen at almost every first night opening in New York. Miss Johnstone believes that she can learn a great deal from the theatre. And curiously, she thinks it does one just as much good to see a poor production as a good one. For then, she holds, you can learn what not to do. Miss Johnstone is not governed by the opinions of others. She either likes a thing or she doesn't. And she does not hesitate to express herself frankly. Because she likes people, she enjoys studying them. She numbers among her friends some of the most famous writers, painters, sculptors, editors and business men in the city. But she is not partial to "famous" people. She is one of the few stars I have met who enjoyed knowing obscure people as much as she does the celebrities. She remembers faces and names and there's nothing that pleases an ordinary person so much as being recognized by a celebrity. Whether she knows this or not, I do not knowT, but I do know that she will gladly put herself out to do a favor for anybody who asks it. She's just a normal girl, is Justine. But she does the things that nobody would expect a motion picture star to do. For one thing, she rises every morning at seven o'clock. I think that is the most surprising thing about Miss Johnstone. She does things she really isn't compelled to do. Who ever heard of a woman getting up at seven o'clock every morning unless she had to? But this interesting person is at the studio at nine o'clock sharp ready to start work. When she is not working, she goes over to Fleischman's and swims in the pool for a couple of hours each morning. She eats regular food, excepting sweets, not because she is on a diet, but because she doesn't like them. She rarely eats desserts, except stewed fruits. She has a very keen business mind and is interested in all manner of things. She wants to know every detail connected with her work and why and how it is done. Justine Johnstone has reached stardom solely on her own merits and desire to "make good." It wasn't so very long ago that her captivating smile peered out at you from magazines and {Continued on page 53)