Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1944)

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Leeuwenhoek, the crotchety genius who first saw germs through the crudest of microscopes, found the world indifferent to his thrilling revelation. Today his name is deathless. Tireless Pasteur, devoting his life to the study of the "little beasties” that swam before Leeuwenhoek’s eyes, fought an uphill battle against ignorance and skepticism to prove that they were a living source of disease and death. Now he is immortal. The great and good Lister, using antiseptic to control the deadly germs that Leeuwenhoek saw and Pasteur defined, performed his life-saving miracles in surgery before a hopeful few and a doubting many. "An instrument in the hands of God,” he is enshrined in Westminster Abbey. As with man so with medicine; the endless tides of Time write the verdict to guide the world. The mediocre are forgotten and fail; the meritorious survive and succeed. It is a matter of pride to us, that Listerine Antiseptic, named for the great Lister, today serves humanity’s needs as ably as it did more than half a century ago when it was acclaimed an outstanding non-poisonous, non-irritating antiseptic. Listerine Antiseptic stands ready to aid you in a thousand little emergencies calling for quick germ-killing action with complete safety ... a delightful, effective solution. Make this a "must” for your family medicine cabinet. GOOD NEWS! Most stores have received recent shipments of Listerine Antiseptic for civilian use. You should now be able to obtain Listerine Antiseptic in some size at your favorite drug counter. Lambert Pharmacal Company, St. Louis, Missouri In service more than 60 years LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC 7