Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1944)

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topics which you'll do well not to mention to these particular stars ° A ' fhe Qr>cf, of yfecf (//•/, 0/7 t^f^f f e*PeCf br/n fro m f *n, Of cerning a certain director who now wears the khaki of the Signal Corps and has acquitted himself magnificently under fire. We suspect this gentleman really has Olivia’s heart and don’t, for one instant, blame her for doing everything in her power to keep the scorching light of publicity from blighting this romance as it has done before. Before Jennifer Jones won the Academy Award for her performance in “Song Of Bernadette” those who talked with her were curious for details about her marriage with Robert Walker. Jennifer always was distressed when this subject was introduced. She ducked it like a weaving boxer. Everyone thought, at the time, that she did this because she feared it would hurt her budding BY career to be publicized as a wife and mother. Nothing of the kind. Jennifer knew her marriage was on the rocks. She and Bob Walker already had separated, planning divorce, several times. Although their status is no longer secret, it is still unwise to mention B. W. to J. J. Likewise, if you want to remain friends with John Wayne, never make the mistake of mentioning his broken marriage. This handsome actor, very sensitive about his separation from his wife and four children, can be curt and rude to tactless questioners. Mickey Rooney has two Achilles heels — one romantic, one physical. Every time Mickey sees his ex-bride, Ava Gardner, he sees red. If Mickey is in a night club with some cutie and Ava walks in Mickey promptly asks for his check and leaves in a huff. Maybe this is because when he tried to talk Ava out of a divorce she wouldn’t listen. Maybe it’s because, following their divorce, Ava wouldn’t give him a date. Mickey’s other burr is his height — or rather his lack of it. He dislikes being a little guy. If you look closely at the living room of Judge Lewis Stone in the ( Continued on page 83)