Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1944)

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Combining two irresistible attractions — one, a quiz, two, a chance to find out all about yourself from an expert BY LESTER F. MILES, PH D. Consulting Psychologist Does your personality cut a good figure? Are you the well-rounded type, mentally streamlined to get the most out of fife? Or is your personality on the awkward side, like a dress that doesn’t quite fit and so hides the "omeliness of the figure beneath? Perhaps you don’t know. In that case, this test will help you find out by analyzing what goes on behind the scenes in your head. Watch your answers — yes or no— for a silly answer would get you a silly rating — and that would be a pity! Now — after this dire admonition — let’s begin! 1. Have you always had a definite idea or plan of what you want to do and be? 2. Do you usually meet people more than halfway when the occasion demands your co-operation? 3. Do you usually have a set place for everything in your home? 4. When someone takes the trouble to criticize your actions do you listen quietly and not say much or do you rise to your defense? 5. Do you almost always contribute something to official collectors for charities? 6. Do you have a reputation for being neat, trim and fussy about your personal appearance? 7. No matter what it is — are you happy in your work? 8. When you act the good sport about something is it usually because you like the people involved in the incident? 9. Do you almost never criticize people — leaving that chore to others more willing to take the risk? 10. When you have an appointment are you usually on time or there ahead of time? 11. When you daydream, is it about things that can’t ever become possibilities and realities7 12. Do you have an outdoor hobby such as a Victory garden, golf, sailing, hiking club, riding? 13. Once you start anything do you usually like to finish it as quickly as possible? 14. Even in the heat of an argument do you usually manage to keep your voice down and under control? 15. Do you feel yourself capable of doing things most other people do? 16. Are you usually the one calm and collected person when everyone else P is “up in the air” over some happening? f-, r ((( 17. Do you usually admit your mistakes and forget them as readily as you admit to them? 18. Do you like an occasional evening or week end all to your lonesome? 19. When someone does you an injustice do you usually try to forget it or do you wait your chance to pay back in kind? 20. Can you truthfully say you never put on a “holier than thou” act with salesgirls, doormen, waiters, or other people you may feel are beneath your walk in life? Now turn to page 82 for an Inner Sanctum reading of the real you.