Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1944)

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Joseph F. Pinkos and Raymond L. Erwin (above) of the Naval Repair Base, San Diego, (California Joe and Ray, who work in the Print Shop at the San Diego Naval Repair Base, asked to see these two sprirhtly gals, Jacqueline White and Julie Bishop, dishing out ice-cream cones across the counter just for them at the Hollywood Canteen. Hope you enjoy the ice cream, boys! ^COMMAND Here's your chance — ail you boys and girls in uniform — to ask your favorite star to pose for you and then see your own camera request come true on these very pages Private George Russell of Santa Monica, California, now in Alaska George sent word down from the tundras that he wanted to see his sister drawing some of her clever cartoons for him. And who is Sis? She's none other than pretty Gail Russell, Paramount's newest star in "The Uninvited" and a very talented young lady, as you can see. Here she is, George! Private Grissom, who has seen service in North Africa, writes (and we quote): "I would like to see Hedy Lamarr as she naturally is around home. No fancy clothes or jewelry. Just plain and sweet as she is." Here's Hedy — no fancy clothes or jewelry. Just plain (well, she could never be that) — and sweet — but definitely!