Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1944)

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24j2JULQJL£JUIJIQJIJUISL^ mi&ta&a. . . Here's the proof supplied by some candid teensters Sfulanna *Tostet ipaaking: DONALD O'CONNOR and I recently finished a picture called "Top Man." During one of the love scenes, we spoiled the take because Don burst out laughing when I muttered, under my breath, "Are you kidding?" — on account of the dialogue was pretty icky and teen-age kids don't talk that way any more. Why not? Because, thanks to the war, we haven't time for dalliance and those "sweet nothings" in the moonlight we read about. Which is a pity, for I'm sure they were sweet. Suddenly I realized that I, like so many kids today, have been thinking of love as something off the assembly line. So now I've decided that I will not allow this war to blitz my youth but that I will, come Hitler and high water, be pre-war and old-fashioned, about romance. yan ipeakiny : COSH, what haven’t I done wrong! So what? So that's all right 'cause it s a mistake not to make mistakes during the teen-age. They're a part of the fun and frenzy of growing up. You learn from them, so they save you a lot of grief later on. Like I don't smoke, but I tried it once, took a puff and turned a chartreuse green. My beau of the evening took one look at me and neyer saw him again. But as I never pulled that little boner again, it — see what I mean? — saved me many a beau in the future. I'm sentimental — plenty. And proud of it. It's a mistake not to be sentimental during the little-lambs-eat-ivy teens. For oh, it is not always May, and all that! Anyway, I have a hope chest for my "firsts" — first corsage, first love letter, even a memento of my first kiss, which same is a handkerchief stained with the lipstick I prudently rubbed off for the Occasion. XL? rr^nrrdiTdr^nrsinr^ Shfoley 'femjala ipaakiny : A GIRL I know was in love with a young flier. He wanted to marry her. But she was only sixteen and her parents advised against it. She didn't marry him. Then a few months ago, he was killed in action. Julie (which is not her name) says that although she realizes now their marriage would have been a mistake, it is one she will never stop regretting she didn't make. For she had a chance to make that boy happy for a little while and didn't take it. She is quite bitter about it. Teen-agers should learn by their own mistakes, I believe, and not by taking the cdvice of their elders. And from sixteen on, kids should have dates, romances, experiences. If we have them, we won't abuse our freedom. When we're teenagers, our instincts are good. Kids, like animals, can tell what people are like, whether they are to be trusted or not. S