Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1944)

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* would like “nothing better than to stana naked in Bullock’s-Wilshire” (Men’s Store) and outfit himself from top to bottom. He has tried writing short stories but got so disgusted with them that he never submitted them anywhere. He considers himself primarily a naturalist and likes the outdoors in any form. He is eager to travel abroad after the war. He is characterized by an annoying tenacity which often makes him continue doing a thing that could well have stopped long ago. His first wife was a journalist. He has no complexities in his nature; his desires are simple and straight. His first screen role was a minor one in “The Westerner,” starring Gary Cooper. HE and his wife enjoy many things in common — horses, tennis, hiking, movies, symphonies, picnicking. He once thought he might be a playwright but he never completed a play. He is determined that someday he shall read all of Dickens, but when he is in the mood he invariably re-reads “David Copperfield.” He is very unsystematic, a gesture of rebellion against his orderly training as an accountant. He was thirteen years old when he got into a fist fight with a boy who had been needling him. He struck the first blow but he was promptly knocked down and the fight ended. He wishes his wife wouldn’t always want him to go home before he’s ready to go home — “even though she’s right.” His favorite American author is Mark Twain; he studied voice under Maestro Braggiotti and Florence Russell; and when he was thirteen and a half years old in Uvalde, Texas, he ran away from home, went to San Antonio to get a job so that he could materially help his parents. He returned, disappointed and embarrassed, because he couldn’t get a job. Dana Andrews’ most vivid and lasting impression of a home is of the parsonage in Rockdale, a two-story frame house of the 1910 vintage. He visited it fifteen years after he had lived there, going fifty miles out of his way. His sentimental journey found him wandering around the house, recalling his early memories. He suddenly remembered a childhood hiding place, asked permission of the current tenants to investigate and underneath the ground floor, between a central beam and the floor, he found undisturbed after fifteen years things he had cached there — a monkey wrench, a jackknife and a mess of marbles. The End ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼YYTTTYTTTYTTYTYTTTY Important Radio Time Change "MY TRUE STORY” 07 t-'he Westmores — Perc, Wally and Bud — not only make up face-powder and foundation cream. House of Westmore offers is now broadcast/ every weekday' 10 15 A.M. morning from 1 9 15 A.M. coast to coast over ' II 30 A.M. 177 Blue Network] '10 30 A.M. stations at EWT CWT MWT PWT A Complete, New And Different Story Every Day Consult your newspaper for exact stations ■AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA the Hollywood stars but have actually created the make-up with which they do it. And it is that very make-up you get when you buy House of Westmore’s lipstick, rouge. Regardless of price, you cannot buy better. dJ-Leuie, 0 ^ WESTMORE MAKE-UP the perfect make-up. It gives you a lovely, attractive beauty — goes on smoothly and really stays on. You will like the fine texture and fashionable shades of Westmore Make-up. 25c and 50c at toilet goods counters.