Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1944)

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The Private Life of Private Hargrove ( Continued from page 62) going to be a success after all.” “I knew it all the time,” said she softly, and fell asleep clutching his hand. FROM then on money came in bigger and bigger allotments. No fame came with it, of course, since Bob was just playing younger brother roles in a string of radio soap-operas. Then Jennifer unexpectedly got her Hollywood contract after one visit to David O. Selznick’s private office in New York City. And two weeks after she’d left for Hollywood with small Michael and Bobby, Bob arrived breathlessly at one of his soap-operas and heard magic words. They were spoken by a very ordinary fellow actor and they were as follows: “Say, Bob, why don’t you go over to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s office and test for some part in a picture called ‘Bataan’? If you got it you could be out in Hollywood with your wife.” Bob went the minute the program was finished. There an official told him, “We’re looking for an actor for a sailor role. He’s supposed to be very young, very intense and not so hot-looking.” “I,” said Bob positively, “am your man.” The test proved him out. Since then M-G-M has been steadily gaping at its fine new actor and so has the public. Bob, the skinny six-footer with problems ever since his birth one Friday the thirteenth, had reached the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Bob had arrived. Once in Hollywood, Bob and Jennifer continued to be the same people they’d always been — they didn’t disturb the social surface of Hollywood by so much as a ripple. They lived in seven comfortable In love — but just for the camera: Jennifer Jones and Bob Walker, separated in private life, look like this for a scene in "Since You Went Away" IF I COULD LIVE IN AN ELECTRIC LIGHT 'BULB, I MIGHT BE SAFE FROM GERMS THAT CAUSE SKIN RASHES; BUT I CAN'T, SO MOMMY PROTECTS ME WITH BABY POWPER THAT'S ANTISEPTIC . . . MENNEN. . IPgjsl Germs often cause common baby skin troubles such as prickly heat, diaper rash. To protect baby, best powder is Mennen. More antiseptic! Round photos above prove it. Centers of plates contain 3 leading baby powders. In gray areas, germs thrive; but in dark band around Mennen powder (far right), germ growth has been prevented! 3 out of 4 doctors said in survey— baby powder should be antiseptic. It is if it’s MENNEN. LOOK HOW I ALWAYS MOV E MY ARMS ANP LEGS AROUNP-LIKE WHEN I'M IN MY SWING. BOY, AM I CLAP MOMMY PROTECTS ME FROM CHAFING WITH THE ^ POWPER THAT'S SMOOTHEST , . . MENNEN . u Which baby powder is smoothest is proved by round photos above; they show 3 leading baby powders seen thru microscope. Mennen (far right) is smoother, finer in texture. That’s due to special “hamsierizing” process which makes Mennen Baby Powder the best protection against chafing. Delicate new scent keeps baby lovelier. v M M 99