Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1944)

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estate K&i/efc Hampden’s Make-up gives you a glamorous new complexion. Applied without water or sponge it never causes dry skin, helps conceal skin flaws, stays on for hours without repowdering. Use Hampden's for” lovely make-up always.” 5 alluring complexion changes. 50c -25c 1 and t.iai size POUJDER-BflSE but simple rooms in the Bel -Air Estates (where Jennifer still lives with the boys). Every morning they went in different directions to work — Bob on his motorcycle (because of gas rationing) headed for M-G-M; and Jennifer in her small coupe went to David O. Selznick’s studio. At six-thirty they were both home again and eating a quiet dinner with no cocktails beforehand. After dinner you could never have found them — unless you drove slowly along the tree-lined roads near their home, where they went for a nightly stroll. Back home again, they read the papers, cued each other on the next day’s lines — and went to bed. The last light was out at 9:30 each night. All of that, of course, was finished a few months ago. A few months ago, Bob packed his bags and walked out of that house and away from his dreams — as completely as if he’d never been there at all. Or was it completely? Not when there are two small Walkers left behind . . . not when his wife was to be before his eyes every time he opened a magazine or newspaper— especially since her winning of the Academy Award . . . not when five of the most important years of his life are tied up in them and in her, and only six months are his alone. Certainly whoever at this point attempts to predict anything for the Walker future comes strictly under the fools-rush-in department. All that can be said with confidence is that Bob’s future life should be as interesting as his past. The End • YYVT • Someone lfou Know — p M M Your choice of these delightful Fragrances:-* Garden Bouquet; Forest Pine; Spring Morning \bur bath should be a luxurious experience. Three things will make it just that: 1. Before bathing, add Bathasweet to your tub. Softens and perfumes the bath ; gives it greater cleansing power ; soothes nerves. 2. While bathing, use Bathasweet Soap. It gives a rich, billowy, creamy lather such as you don’t get from ordinary soaps. 3. After the bath, use Bathasweet Talc Mitt. It’s the final touch of refreshment and daintiness. Also recommended are Bathasweet Foam and Bathasweet Shower Mitt. 1 BATHASWEET and someone you like — is coming to Photoplay next month. Only you’ve never seen him quite like this before, because he’s the new jSinq (Zioltty . . . the guy whose life has passed an important milestone with the making of his greatest picture, “Going My Way,” as seen through the eyes of the distinguished writer 'Th otn ton tPelah an ty in the August issue 100 •aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*