Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1944)

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What Should I Do? ( Continued from page 68) decided to bring my problems to you. You see, I have a very ugly nose; it is large and ill-shaped. My eyes are large and brown, I have a pretty mouth and nice teeth, also a dimple in my chin. Dozens of people have told me that I would be beautiful if it weren’t for my awful beak. I have been trying to get in touch with a plastic surgeon by writing the New York Chamber of Commerce and asking for prices, but I received no reply. Can you give me the name and address of a good surgeon and his price? Corinne Z. Dear Miss Z: You wouldn’t think of telephoning or writing to a large New York department store and asking the price of “a dress,” would you? The store wouldn’t know what size, what model, what material, or what detail you expected. I have heard it said repeatedly that every person is a medical law unto himself; no two persons are exactly alike, nor can be treated precisely alike by a physician. So many girls (and men, too) have written letters similar to yours that I decided that I must explain the situation. Even if 1 kneiv an excellent plastic surgeon, I could not print his name on these pages because of rulings of the American Medical Association. In every case, the thing for anyone desiring plastic surgery to do is this: go to your family doctor and explain your problem. He, in turn, will recommend a colleague whom he knows and trusts. Consultation about your particular case will make it possible for the surgeon to decide ivhat methods are best and approximately what the cost will be. Claudette Colbert. Dear Miss Colbert: This is not a letter asking for advice. You see, I came from a large family. My father’s income is not very much and as there are so many of us we do not have much to spend on clothes. For this reason I wanted to know if you have any old clothes from pictures that you have finished a long time ago. If you do have and you don’t want them, would you please tell me about them? I would appreciate anything to wear very much. Thanking you, I am Your friend, Maxine L. Dear Miss L: So many girls write to all actresses, asking for dresses, suits, coats or accessories that have been worn in certain pictures, that I chose your letter to answer in explanation. The clothing worn on the screen is never the property of the female players. This wardrobe is furnished by the studio. The styles are designed entirely with the idea of securing a photogenic effect and frequently are not of a sort that anyone would care to wear off a sound stage. Occasionally, however, some dress or coat will be so lovely that the wearer will ivant to buy it for her personal wardrobe. Lately this practice has been discouraged because the studios can’t get the wealth of materials available before the war. Every garment is used again and again; sometimes the garment is worn in B pictures after its first introduction and sometimes the garment is entirely remade. For these reasons, no motion-picture a Universal picture See Anne Gwynne in “SOUTH OF DIXIE “Royal Crown Cola is tops!” says Anne. “I know because I took the famous cola taste-test. I sampled leading colas in paper cups and found Royal Crown Cola besttasting. Whenit comes to flavor, Royal Crown Cola is certainly in a class by itself!” COLA Best btf Taste Jest! BUY MORE THAN BEFORE IN THE 5 T H WAR LOAN