Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1944)

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Colorful Sparkle !.. Enchanting Effects from this Have you pictured yourself with hair a cooler, darker sheen to contrast with the pale loveliness of your complexion? ... Or have you dreamed what your hair would look like with a warmer cast to it? Perhaps you have tiny gray streaks that you'd like to blend softly into the youthful color-tone of your hair! Then yield to the magic of Marehand’s new “Make-Up” Hair Rinse. A simple color chart on each Marchand Rinse package tells you which of its 12 enchanting shades to use to achieve the effect you desire. After your shampoo, dissolve the Rinse in warm water. Then brush or pour it through your hair. Almost instantly, all trace of soapfilm vanishes! Your hair is radiantly alive — glowing with lights, sparkling with color! Not a bleach — not a permanent dye — Marchand’s “Make-Up” Hair Rinse goes on and washes off .as easily as your facial make-up. It’s very simple to use. And it’s absolutely Made by the Makers of Marchand’s Golden Hair Wash NEW! FOR BEST WASHING R ESU ITS leaves sweaters, infants’ wear, blankets — soft, fluffy — really clean. Made by a wool firm. At art needlework, notion, housewares departments 25$ AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE! E SSEEZEESSH garments can be sold or donated to those who admire them. Claudette Colbert. Dear Miss Colbert: I hope you will understand my situation and not consider it too complicated. I met this certain girl four months before I went into the Army. She is now 17 and I am 19. We started going steady and our love grew stronger. She is now in her last year of school and is doing well. When I went into the Army she and my brother saw me off and I know it broke her heart to see me go. I sure hated to leave her. During my first weeks in the Army I said to myself that maybe our feelings were just infatuation and she would meet someone else and forget me. But as time went by I began receiving two or three letters a day and a package every few weeks. My friends wrote me and told me how lucky I was that my girl was being honest to me. When I got eight days’ leave I spent most of my time with my girl. We didn’t go many places, just stayed home or went for walks and talked of our future together. As I thought I might go overseas soon, we jumped to the conclusion that we should get married before I went back. Well, the next day I told her that we would be doing wrong to get married then because I had no money saved and besides, we were too young. She cried and cried and said I knew best, of course, because I was older and smarter. I had to go back the next day but I told her that I would send her a ring. That stopped her tears. Christmas came and I received lovely gifts from her. In return all I sent was a card, even though I had bought a ring. I felt cheap, not sending the ring, but I had a reason. Now comes the main topic. My family is from the old country and with them they brought all their old country ideas. They don’t realize that the world has changed. When my family heard that I wanted to marry this girl, they started to write and tell me how wrong I was. They said that if I wanted to go with girls, why didn’t I pick a girl from their own country. They think girls from the part of the country where this girl was born and now lives are lazy and unhealthy. Well, you and I know this is silly and not true, but you couldn’t change the folks’ minds. As I said, I have the ring and want to send it to my girl because I love her and it would make her very happy. But if I do my folks will be hurt and will hate this girl forever. Private Marvin F. Dear Private F: Your letter was interesting to me not only because of your particular problem, but because you are using the judgment that is inherent ivith all fine American boys. During wartime you have chosen the right path when you met the right girl. You decline to marry until the things you are fighting for are settled. You are to be commended. You are lucky to have met such a lovely girl. I feel that you should send her the ring. Love is a tender thing and I am sure from the tone of your letter that you and your girl are in love and right for each other. Your attitude in not wanting to hurt your parents is very commendable and shows again the fine spirit of the American fighting men. However, I think you should tell them that you are sending the ring to the girl. Try to convince them that their attitude is un-American and that race discrimination is one of the things we are fighting to abolish in our posl-ivar world. Try to show them that because of the fine way they have raised LEARN NURSING AT HOME High school not necessary. No age limit. Send for FREE "Nursing Facts" and sample lesson pages. Earn while learning. Act now! Post Graduate Hospital School of Nursing 160 N. Wacker Drive. Chicago. Illinois (ORNS NOXACORN REMOVED WITH CASTOR OIL PREPARATION Say goodbye to corn-pads and dangerous razors. A new liquid, NOXACORN, relieves pain and dries up the pestiest corns or callus. Contains six ingredients including pure castor oil, iodine, benzocaine, and salicylic acid. Easy directions in pack /&* age. 35c bottle saves untold misery. A* Guaranteed by ^ I Druggist re l Good Housekeeping J turns money v*0, vooccnvto# > if it fails. ^JfAovtRnstP CHECKED in A Jiffy Relieve itching caused by eczema, athlete’s foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions. Use cooling, medicated D. D.D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes, comforts and checks itching fast. 35c trial bottle proves it— or money back. Ask your druggist today for D. 0. D. Prescription. There's No Excuse For BLOTCHY SKIN / Clear it with KREMOLA aid! KREMOLA is a medicated M.D. formula, especially for pimples, blackheads and muddy skin. Gently hastens removal of old cuticle, revealing fresh skin. After others fail — put KREMOLA to the test. Ladies will envy, gentlemen will admire. At druggists or write KREMOLA, Dept. MAC-5, 2975 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 16, 111. Send $1.25 for 2 oz. jar, plus 10 °7o tax, or 20c for generous purse sample, for daily powderbase. Use only as directed. WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT RING BARGAIN TEN DAYS’ TRIAL SEND NO MONEY Introductory offer: — With Vevery order for smart, new. Sterling Silver Solitaire engagement ring we will include without extra charge exquisite wedding ling set with eight imitation diamonds matching in fire and brilliance the beautiful imitation Diamond solitaire engagement ring (the perfect Bridal pair). Send no money with order. Just name, address and ring • size. We ship both rings in lovely gift box immediately and you make just 2 easy payments of $2 each, total only $4. We trust you. No red tape as you make first payment y.c and tax to postman on arrival then balance any time within 30 days. Money back guarantee. War conditions make supply limited. ACT NOW. EMPIRE DIAMOND CO.. Dept. ST-157, Jefferson, Iowa 302