Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1944)

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MINIPOO DRY SHAMPOO • Cleans hair thoroughly in 10 minutes • Easy to apply— pleasant to use • Leaves hair soft and lustrous • Ideal for the sick room SHAMPOOS INCLUDING MITTEN 51.00 No Soap No Rinsing No Drying "Saves Your Way At Dep.. and Drug Stores or send direct to: ANNETTE . . NNINGS, Inc., New York City 10 DRESSES $395 (Used Clothing) In our opinion, these are tne best dresses available at this low price. When new, some of these dresses sold as high as $12.95. Assorted colors. Sizes up to 18—10 for $3.95. Larger sizes 5 for $3.00. Send 50c deposit, balance C.O.D. plus postage. Satisfaction guaranteed or purchase price refunded. Rush your order now. Mention size desired. 210 other clothing bargains for everybody. Illustrated Catalog Free. NATIONAL SALES CO.. Dept. CC 365 Sutter Ave. Brooklyn 12, N. Y. Pimples Disappeared Oversight Yes, it is true, there is a safe, harmless, medicated liquid called KLEEREX that dries up pimples over night. Those who !£) followed simple directions and ap"fj plied Kleerex upon retiring were amazingly surprised when they found . ____ „ r disappeared. These users enthusiastically praise Kleerex and claim they are no longer embarrassed and are now happy with their clear complexions. Don’t take our word for it, use Kleerex tonight. If one application does not satisfy, you get your money back. There Is No Risk so do not hesitate. Send only 60c for full size package or $1.00 for 2 packages. (Few cents extra for C. O. D.) Write today to: KLEEREX CO. Dept. 45, 2005 S. Michigan, Chicago 16.IIL their ptmplee had The Work i Love" AND $25 to $35 A WEEK! "I’m a TRAINED PRACTICAL NURSE, and thankful to CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING for training me, at home, in my spare | time, for this well-paid, dignified work.” I YOU can become a nurse, too! Thousands of men and women, 18 to 60, have studied this thorough, home-study course. Lessons are easy to understand and high school education not necessary. Many ©am a3 they learn— Mrs. R. W. of Mich, earned $26 a week while still studying. Endorsed by physicians. Easy tuition payments. Uniform and equipment included. 46th year. Send coupon now! CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING Dept. 187, 100 East Ohio Street, Chicago 11, 111. Please send tree booklet and 16 sample lesson pages. Name Age City..— State and trained you they now must trust you not to make a mistake in your choice of a wife. My every good wish to you for your future happiness. Claudette Colbert. Dear Miss Colbert: Could you please oblige me by getting me in touch with a pen pal in America — in California if possible? I should like to write to people who are twelve years old. Yours sincerely, Jean Walls, 4 Attwood Street, Anfield, Liverpool 4, England Dear Jean : In the interests of fellowship across the seas, I am happy to print your letter. Vm sure that you i cill receive many letters from American girls who are your age. Cordially yours, Claudette Colbert. Dear Miss Colbert: You seem to be a happy and charming lady, so I think you can help me to solve my problem. Well, my story starts like this: I am now twenty-two and have been married (if you can call it that) for nearly two years. This boy that I married was the first and only boy I ever dated and I only went out with him because my family and his family were great friends. They had planned for us to marry because we are the same religion and nationality. Personally, I couldn’t stand him, but what can you do when you are young and obedient? Well, we got married when he was going oft to the Army. We were married one night and he left the next morning and I have never seen him since. He has been in Egypt for over a year, but he only writes once in five or six months. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ HOW ABOUT YOU / Have you found your place in the war effort? You will be proud to wear the Coast Guard's silver shield, to serve your country in the SPARS, by releasing a man for duty at sea. There's a job for you to do in the SPARS if you're an American citizen between 20 and 36, physically fit, with at least two years of business school or high school. For information, mail the coupon to PHOTOPLAY, 205 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N. Y. Please send me the SPARS booklet Name Address City ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ FLATTER YOUR LIPS WITH THE NEW . . . SUTTON Glamourous lipstick shades keyed to the newest fashion colors to brighten your wardrobe and flatter your lips. If you want a lipstick for softer, more alluring lips — a lipstick that stays on — is wonderfully indelible — then you do want a Sutton Big Lipstick in their luscious, heart-warming colors. Your Lip Color Guide : Medium Red Fire Red Brilliant Red Light Red ONLY Dark Red BIG LIPSTICK by SUTTON In Bright Red , Plastic Case Aik for the Sutton Big Lipstick at your favorite (osmetic counter SUTTON COSMETICS, INC., 385 Fifth Ave„N.Y. P TO M 103