Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1944)

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p IYI M JANE WYATT Featured in RKO's 'None But The Lonely Heart" 9W W V-UUUdSUM" CI1IUIUIUCI| »IVCS sweetness and glamour to this adorable jumper. Note the pretty pockets . . . placed to give you hip-allure! Of rayon gabardine. ftg* AO Sizes 10 tO 16 ....... plus postage #1^ U BLOUSE— S uavely tailored long-sleeved shirt with that Hollywood look! Pearl buttons on the cuffs, slit pockets, saddle-stitched collar. Rayon. White only. Sizes SO AO 32 tO 38 plus postage ' CP SEND NO MONEY! We Fill Your Order COD Prompt Delivery! CifiitiBL OF CALIFORNIA DEPT. R-12 6380 HOLLYWOOD Blvd. Los Angeles 28, California DIRECT PROM HOLLYWOOD OF CALIFORNIA. dept. R-12 6380 HOLLYWOOD Blvd., Los Angeles 28, Calif. Please send Fiesta Jumper at $5.98, plus postage. Red □ Navy □ Aqua □ Powder Q Gold Q Green Q Sizes: 10 12 14 16 (Dro Blouse at $3.98, plus postage. Sizes: 32 34 36 38 White only Name (Mark 1st and 2nd choice) le around sizes wanted) Address— City Please Check Q Old Customer Q New Customer YOUR MONEY BACK IF NOT COMPLETELY SATISFIED i Send for Free Catalog of new California stylet The Mystery of Judy Garland (Continved from page 29) well and strong.” There is something so honest about Judy — so sincere and very likable. She is one of the easiest stars in Hollywood to interview, completely disarming in her frankness. I asked her questions and received answers that the average actress would have evaded and stalled. I said, “Judy are you getting a divorce from Dave?” “I’m trying to,” she replied. “I want to. You know it is not possible to divorce a man in the service without his permission. I have repeatedly asked Dave to please sign the papers. “He is always charming and says he will be glad to sign them and then promptly forgets all about it! At first,” laughed Judy, “I thought he was stalling because he didn’t want any of those complications that a man as attractive as my former husband always seems to meet when he is a free man. Then,” she went on, “I realized he just forgets. “Dave is so impractical he should never marry. He is an idealist and a romanticist who lives in the clouds. He has great talent and nothing really interests him outside his music. Money is a bore. When I was married to him I would wonder where our money went. Dave would never know. He just couldn’t be bothered with anything so mundane as dollars and cents.” Judy laughed her infectious laugh. “But you were terribly in love with him,” I said. “He was my first love,” she replied, “and I honestly believed he would be my last. Now I realize that we are better apart.” Since that day Judy has had her wish, for Dave signed the necessary papers and divorce proceedings are now under way. ALMOST as prominent as the gossip about Judy’s ill health was the rumor that she was suffering from an unrequited love. But when I asked here if there was a mysterious love in her life, she smiled, “No, really. I’m a career girl. I’m not sure that I shall ever marry again. I’ve been looking at a house I love — just big enough for me. I could be very happy in that house being just a bachelor girl, with my friends to visit me and my work.” Still another story about Judy is that she is planning to leave M-G-M, her home studio, where she has worked ever since she came into the movies. And, once again, Judy didn’t fail me with an evasive answer. “That is a rumor that happens to be true,” she answered. “I am not going to re-sign with the studio when my contract expires. Oh, they’ve been wonderful to me at M-G-M. But I want to go on the stage. I was in vaudeville so many years when I was Frances Gumm and I miss the sound of applause. “If I could get a play on the order of ‘Lady In The Dark,’ a drama or a comedy with music, I would be terribly happy. Right now I’m very excited over doing ‘The Lock’ by Paul Gallico. Robert Nathan has written a strong dramatic story and I don’t sing a note or dance a step in the film. “When I first started to make ‘Meet Me In St. Louis,’ ” Judy continued, “I was worried because I play the role of Esther in the book and she has very little to do. But the part was built up in the script and now I love it.” I told Judy that I had known all the Smith girls very well — the author, Sally Benson (who was Sally Smith) , Rose, Esther and Agnes — and she asked me all about them. I promised her that the next time we were both in New York I would see to it that she met them. NO DULL DRAB HAIR When You Use This Amazing 4 Purpose Rinse In one, simple, quick operation, LOVALON will do all of these 4 important things to give YOUR hair glamour and beauty: 1. Gives I ustrous highlights. 2. Rinses away shampoo film. 3. Tints the hair as it rinses. 4. Helps keep hair neatly in place. LOVALON does not permanently dye or bleach. Itis a pure, odorless hair rinse, in 12 different shades. Try LOVALON. At stores which sell toilet goods 25c for 5 rinses Relieve Pinch And Torture Of Tight Shoes When burning feet cry out with agony from allday standing — when shoes that pinch nearly drive you crazy — try this wonderful, soothing powder that works like magic to bring blissful foot relief. Just sprinkle Allen’s Foot-Ease in your shoes and sing with joy when tired, burning feet lose their sting and pain. For over 50 years, millions of people have found happy relief and real foot comfort with Allen’s Foot-Ease. Don’t wait! Get a package today. Try this easy, simple way to allday standing and walking comfort. At all druggists. BUT FIRST... 5-Day Underarm Pads Underarm perspiration certainly can foil Dan Cupid. But now that you can get 5-day underarm pads, you can consider this problem ended. 5-day works on the dry underarm principle ... it checks perspiration before it starts . . . deodorizes skin surfaces and pore openings too. It is a magic pad that you touch to your skin and presto! underarm perspiration and odor are thwarted from 1 to 5 days, depending upon you. A jar of 5-day underarm pads (a long time supply) is 55^ at drug and department stores. Associated Distributorst Distributors , Chicago 10 106