Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1944)

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WORKING GIRL NAME: Bette Davis OCCUPATION: Actress EMPLOYER: Warner Bros. NATURE OF DUTIES: Helping to maintain the Warner standard of great entertainment. REMARKS: We at Warner Bros, have been proud of Bette Davis, of her magnificent artistry and enormous talent, ever since she came to work with us. (And no matter how easy it looks on the screen, “work” is the word — with a very large “W” ! ) But we’ve never been so proud of Bette as since we (and she) finished making MR. SKEFFINGTON! MR. SKEFFINGTON is the enthralling story of a very rich man and a very beautiful woman, and 'of their life together . . , and apart. A love story? We think that even when you’ve seen it, you won’t be sure! But you will be sure that MR. SKEFFINGTON is one of the finest motion pictures ever made — by anybody, anywhere . . . and that Bette Davis has no peer among screen artists! You’ll be sure, too, that the company which produced MR. SKEFFINGTON can be counted on always for the best in entertainment! WARNER BROS. JACK L. WARNER Executive Producer j I GREAT AS ONUr SHE CAN BE,IN 'm SftFFlWflDN" with CLAUDE RAINS RICHARD WARING GEORGE COULOURIS MARJORIE RIORDAN • Screen Ploy by Julius J. & Philip G. Epstein From Story by "Elizobeth” Music by Franz Woxmon Directed by VINCENT SHERMAN P M M 3i A 9