Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1944)

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his interest had revived when I was driving in that stake. Why? Unless the killer was Sammy, he couldn’t have known what I was doing. The question now was whether he had been scared away by the lights and voices, or whether he would arrive in search of the film. . . . I HEARD footsteps beyond the door. The 1 door softly swung outward. I held my breath. Silhouetted against the moonlighted sand outside was a tall, slim figure. Her foot intercepted the photoelectric beam and the daylight bulb gave us a vision — Wanda Waite. She wore a shining black satin sheath and a black fur. Her hair was sleeked back over her ears. I fixed the lights. Wanda examined us with defiant, if frightened, blue eyes. James said. “What are you doing here?” “Must I explain?” she asked, feigning smbarrassment. James’ envy showed near the surface. “I’d like to have your fingerprints,” he said to Wanda. Wanda was frightened. Her lipstick fell from her hands. James retrieved the lipstick and put it in his pocket. Wanda’s hand began to shake. “I’ll have that.” “Later,” James said. “Maybe.” He went sut. “What have I done now?” Wanda whispered. She turned and ran from the trailer. “We may as well go,” I said. “The killer must have been scared off by this time.” Melva took up a position between me md the door. “George, you run along and ;ell that cop what he wants to know.” “He’d arrest me if I did.” “Why? You said you didn’t kill him!” “I didn’t kill him,” I said patiently. “But the very proof which I can offer will incriminate me to some extent.” “All right then, keep quiet.” “But I can’t sit idly by and let the killer escape. You may as well save your breath, Melva. I’m in this and I’m staying in. How about some food?” “I’ll fix up a series of releases,” Fred said. “Police baffled, but Sanders promises developments.” “I don’t want the story in print,” I said. Fred was incredulous. “You must want publicity; that’s what you hired me for. And this thing is a natural. Every editor on the Coast would go for it.” “But I’m not doing this for publicity, and wouldn’t I look silly if in the end I didn’t solve it? I’m not Superman. I’m not even the Saint. I’m just Sanders.” We went to the hotel, so that Fred and Melva could register. Almost everybody was in the bar. Everybody except Sammy. There were Paul, Riegleman, Curtis, the boss cameraman. I stopped at Riegleman’s table. “Is there a decent eating place around here?” I asked. “I tried that counter joint down the street,” Paul answered. “I ordered a filet. When I stuck a fork in it, it whinnied.” “I say,” Riegleman objected, “you didn’t really get horse-meat?” “Then why did it flinch when I rattled my spurs?” Riegleman stared for a moment. “You’re having me on.” I thought that now was as good a time as any. I gave Riegleman an apologetic smile. “I’ve removed the reel of film that was being shot at the time of the murder and put it in a safe place. But don’t worry about it, it’s hidden in my trailer.” “But why?” Paul demanded. “It points out the murderer,” I said. “As soon as I get that film into Hollywood and get it developed and a print made, I’ll be able to call in the police and say, ‘There’s the man.’ ” “Who do you think did it?” Riegleman asked idly. “It must have been someone behind the cameras. I have it narrowed down to two. You’re both alibied, I suppose.” Riegleman smiled. “You’re guying us.” “Maybe. But I do think that reel will point out the murderer.” “Where is your bodyguard?” Riegleman demanded. “Fred and Melva,” I told him. “They just came up.” As Fred, Melva and I went out, we met Sammy coming in. “I had carburetor trouble,” he said, “and I’ve been in a garage since I left you. I haven’t told anybody.” “I told Riegleman and Paul, Sammy. You get the others.” WHEN we were at Fred’s car, I staggered a little. Melva was at my side in something less than a second. “Sorry,” I gasped. “I’m desperately tired. Not much sleep last night, and now — all this. And I must be made up by eight tomorrow.” She fell for it. “Never mind about dinner, George. We’ll take you back to the trailer.” Melva and Fred helped me into the car. I pulled myself together at the trailer door, looked at my watch and said, “I’ll be able to get six hours sleep. Just don’t disturb me in the meantime.” I watched them drive away. Then I went inside, put the searchlight back into the photo-electric circuit, made sure the film can was still there, got my gun and sat in the dark. Since Sammy hadn’t spread the story, it was not yet too late. THAI WHISPERS “LOVE ME FOREVER'.” K GENUINE REGISTERED 1 eepsake DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING For this unforgettable moment in her life . . . and yours . . . there's no symbol more truly worthy than a genuine registered Keepsake Diamond Ring. The Keepsake Certificate of Registration and Guarantee is your assurance of high standards of color, cut and clarity. See the new matched sets at your Keepsake Jeweler Prices include federal tax. Diamond Rings, A. H. Pond Co., Inc.| Warren St., Syracuse 2, N. Y. Please send the book, "The Etiquette of the Engagement and * Wedding," with supplement on "Wartime Engagements and | Weddings," illustrations of Keepsake Rings and the name of ■ the nearest Keepsake Jeweler. I enclose 10c to cover mailing, j Name | Street and No , | PH 1 1 -44 |