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a chance at being mildly grown up. She even has a boy friend in this one, Scotty Becket, whom she doesn’t exactly look on with hate off-screen, either. Scotty, however, is not the main source of her wanting to look older. This is merely part and parcel ot her actually growing more mature. She is a very good student and this fall will enter junior high and as she is also an excellent athlete, she is simultaneously attaining physical height along with mental depth
DQT she is not the dreamy child she portrayed in “A. Tree Grows In Brooklyn.” She loves reading, though her taste runs to mysteries (her favorite picture of the moment is “Hangover Square”) . The only school subject she isn’t really good in is mathematics (it bores her). She infinitely prefers her portable typewriter to any doll ever made and her differentness to the usual child pattern even extends to her not caring for ice cream or chocolates, though she dotes on pineapple in any form. She is even so practical that when her parents asked her what she wanted for this past Christmas she calmly announced she’d like an emerald. (They are so practical, too, that she didn’t get it.)
Instead, she got a cat’s-eye ring, a beautifully carved gold affair with a really fine stone. Her two best friends are nonprofessionals her own age.
“Like all movie children,” her mother says, “she’s getting just a bit too well * known now to run around freely. I want her to have friends, so it looks wisest to bring the kids to her, at our home, under our supervision.”
Lieut. Garner, fortunately, has recently been transferred to the West Coast, still acting as a lawyer, being the counsel for the plaintiff — that is the Government, in cases involving infractions of military discipline. Peggy adores her dad, and Mrs. Garner says that he would spoil her except that she is too sensible a child to get spoiled. Peggy just grins when this remark is made. She’s visibly very, very happy at the family circle being complete once more.
In fact, she is very happy about everything, and why not? She now has everything she desires, that is, all except the emerald. But she should worry about that. Come five years from now or so, she can buy it for herself if she likes, and she probably will.
Along about the time she gets her first Academy Award, most likely.
The End
* * *
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