Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1945)

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(Continued from page 70) home and then take walks — or just sit around and talk, talk, talk. We are thoroughly congenial. But believe me when I say I am not ready to marry Lon — or anyone else.” So you see, it isn’t parental objections to the two big romances in her life. Jeanne has made up her own mind and far be it from me to say she is right — or wrong. I N THE long time I have been writing * about movie stars, I have seen girls give up love for a career and live to regret it. Real love and companionship do not come along with the regularity of good movie roles. It is one of the fallacies of youth and beauty to believe that love will always be there — ready to be picked up in four, five, six years — any old time a girl is ready for it. I’ve seen many girls who believed this, cry their hearts out later that they had let real happiness slip by for the bubble of fame. On the other hand, Jeanne is very young. She is right in believing that she has time to think things out where her heart is concerned. And right now, in spite of what she may believe to the contrary, I don’t believe she is deeply in love with either boy — Paul or Lon. When a woman really loves she is not torn between two men or two sets of emotions. Paul, because he is older, represents to Jeanne the attraction of the young man about town — a gay dancing partner. Lon is more the sweetheart of her youth. Until one of them becomes a great deal more important than the other, she is wise, indeed, to wait until she knows her own heart better. I said, “Tell me, Jeanne, isn’t there anything in your life that has gone wrong — or anything in your career? Surely, it hasn’t all been peaches and cream.” “I had one dreadful experience,” she said soberly, “when a mad dog flew at me and bit me on the face. The wound was so deep and so ugly that for days I thought I might never be able to face a camera again. Those were awful moments — awful days. I came out of it without even a scratch to remind me of the experience — but it taught me something important — to realize and appreciate how much my work means to me. “If I seem unduly lucky and fortunate — believe me, I am not callous about it. I am deeply grateful and I mean that from my heart.” I believe her. And as long as she keeps on feeling like that there won’t be any Gremlins endangering the good fortune that has come to her. The End. FINE AMERICAN PERFUME A green tweed suit of John Walther wool. By Rose Barrack. Black fox f IVI M THREE-FIFTY THE OUNCE* LEIGH A DIVISION OF SHULTON, INC. NEW YORK AND TORONTO hat and muff hy Mme. Reine. Suit, $79.95 at B. Altman & Co., New York, Worn by Ann Sheridan, Warner Brothers star. For stores where this suit is available see page 80 tPtuS TAX ’ReG. U. S. PAT, Off.