Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1955)

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Many actresses have their scripts prettily bound and stashed away in their library. Doris goes one step further. Quite frequently, she thumbs through them, reliving the parts she has done, associating the stories with her co-workers. To most people, family pictures have sentimental values. But we doubt if many go to Doris’ extreme of cluttering up every inch of available space not only with pictures of themselves and their families, but even with snapshots of houses occupied by their relatives. One of Doris’ most cherished possessions is the picture of the house in Germany once occupied by her mother’s cousin. And the first time she returned to Cincinnati after having made a name for herself in . Hollywood, she invited all her old school chums to her aunt’s house — with a request to bring along their graduation pictures! Naturally, Doris fondly remembers the dishes her mother made when she was a child. Like sauerkraut and spetzles and dozens of other German foods. Fortunately, her mother still lives close enough to regularly cook her daughter’s favorite meals. It’s a different story with the meal hours to which Doris has been accustomed. ! Her father was a church organist, who supplemented his pay by giving music lessons in the afternoon. Because he could get home in-between times and because it was customary in the “old country” the Kappelhoffs’ luncheon was the big meal of the day. As a result, Doris is one of the few Hollywood stars who can consume a truckdriver’s meal every noon. Not just because she’s hungry, but because it brings back memories of her girlhood. Doris’ recollections of the past cover a wide variety of subjects, interests and objects — including perfume. The salesgirl of a local department store found that out when she inquired why Doris usually ordered “Tweed.” i “It reminds me of Toronto,” was the strange reply. The salesgirl looked at her disbelievingly. Perfumes are supposed to remind people of romance, of moonlit nights and soft music. But Toronto! Curiosity got the better of her. “Why?” “Because that’s where I sang with Barney Rapp and his band when we played for the Druggists’ Convention. Everyone, including me, got a tiny souvenir bottle of “Tweed” that night. Ever since “Tweed” reminded me of Canada. I liked it up there.” It’s quite amazing that a girl like Doris ■didn’t hold on to what so many people cherish most — letters. They were always destroyed as soon as she finished reading them. In another way, Doris differs from other sentimentalists, which may account for her usually well-balanced and happy disposition. Whereas some people will collect such paraphernalia as broken skis, plaster casts off broken legs and arms, steel helmets and captured rifles, Doris hangs on only to objects connected with happy events. When, after she had recovered from her accident, someone suggested she keep her crutches, she ignored the advice and gave them to someone who needed them for other than decorative purposes. Likewise, her casts, liberally covered with signatures, initials and good wishes of friends and relatives, were thrown away as soon as they came off. According to her philosophy, it’s just as easy and a great deal more gratifying to think back on the happy, constructive events in one’s life than to relive those memories which entailed only unhappiness and tragedy. No wonder she’s so fond of her memories. The End NO BETTER WAY TO EARN EXTRA MONEY Let the surge to Religious Christmas Cards bring you biggest spare time earnings. New folders featuring amazing new Living Color Reproductions of inspiring Religious subjects pay you $1 per box. 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