Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1956)

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WHERE TO BUY I PHOTOPLAY STAR FASHIONS Catalina sweater «EW YORK, Y. — Stern Bros. yiT. PAUL, MINN. — Srhuneman's loux CITY, lA. — Younker-Davidson's Jladlcy sweater ORTLAND, ORE. — Nicholas Ungar ROYIDENCE, R. I. — Cladding's fantzen eardijitan AVENPORT, lA. — M. L. Parker 'beat falls, MONT. — Butirey's tAMMOND, IND. — Nagdeman's iEW YORK, N. Y. — Arnold Constable AN BERNARDINO, CAL. — Libby’s Quality Shop ,EATTLE, WASH. — Rhodes of Seattle ACOMA, WASH. — Rhodes Bros. JeArthur Ltd. sweater and skirt kcKSONviLLE, FLA. — Riverside Gown Shop IJHNSTOWN, PA. — John Everetts ORCESTER, MASS. — Vera Green ’cn«lleton sweater and skirt IICACO, ILL. — Lytlon's lYTON, o. — Metropolitan Co. ;s MOINES, lA. — Younker Bros. INNEAPOLIS, MINN.— Dayton Co. iRTLAND, ORE. — Meier & Frank .hil Rose of California separates lAMi, FLA. — Burdinc's ,;w YORK, N. Y.— Russek's jliLADELPHiA, PA. — Gimbel’s rentier sweater NVER, COLO. — Daniels & Fisher lUSTON, TEX. — Sakowitz Bros. TTLE ROCK, ARK. — M. M. Cohn Co. NNEAPOLIS, MINN.— Rothschild-Young-Quiiilan r. LOUIS, MO.— Stix, Baer & Fuller ISHINCTON, D. c.— Woodward & Lothrop egal Knitwear sweater and hat ’arleston, w. va.— The Diamond ILADELPHIA, PA.— Lit Bros. nartee knit separates jMiNGHAM, ALA. — Loveman, Joseph & Loeb AMI, FLA. — Burdinc's liortflair ttorduroy separates k.anta, c.a. — Davison-Paxon IIy YORK, N. Y. — Bloomingdalc's i sweater ill WORTH, TEX.— Monnig's Iyferloo, ia. — James Black Dry Goods »4hito Stag jacket and skirt fiTiMORE, MD. — Deutsch Apparel ' ®las, TEX. — Titche-Goettinger I f HVILLE, TENN. — Harvey’s ilf TLAND, ORE. — Olds & Ring 1 s r LAKE CITY, UTAH — Auerbach's SirTLE, wash.— Best’s Apparel livable sweater bra ' *ANTA, CA.— Rich’s N ' YORK, N. Y.— Macy’s '’IHITA, KAN. — Charzel’s l| een Casuals corduroy separates (p. 81) “iiY, CONN.— Peggy Lee Shop h SI WOOD, CONN.— Brodie, Inc. j fi ADELPHiA, PA.— Lit Bros. p<tH BEND, IND.— Robertson's l*iHINCTON, D. C.— Hecht's Now— so easy to be a blonde again! Actually simpler than setting your hair! If your hair was born to be blonde— and isn’t— or if you’re a brownette with blonde ambitions, Light and Bright by Richard Hudnut is for you. It’s a home hair-lightener designed to bring out all the hidden gold in your hair . . . make you as blonde as you were born to be. Light and Bright is so simple and easy to use; simpler, in fact, than setting your hair. No messy mixing. No complicated testing. No worrisome timing. And Light and Bright gives you genuine “color control”! Light and Bright works so gently, so gradually, you don’t have to worry about getting too blonde too fast. Each time you use Light and Bright your hair gets a little lighter, a little brighter. When you reach just the color you want, you stop. Light and Bright contains no ammonia. It’s formulated with a special built-in conditioner. Wonderful, the way Light and Bright makes you a true, natural-looking blonde again . . . with lovely shining-soft hair! And once this gentle home brightener has brought to light your real blondeness that mousey look is gone for keeps. Your new golden look won’t wash out, won’t fade. Guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. Get a bottle today— be a blonde beauty tomorrow. Only $1.50 plus tax for Light and Bright at cosmetic ^Sekeepiny counters. Advertisement EAT ANYTHING WITH FALSE TEETH If you have trouble with plates that slip, rock and cause sore gums — try Brimms Plasti-Liner. One application makes plates fit snugly without powder or paste, because Brimms Plasti-Liner hardens permanently to yout plate. It relines and refits loose plates in a way no powder or paste can do. No need tp pass up your favorite foods. With plates held firmly by Plasti-Liner, YOU CAN EAT ANYTHING! Simply lay soft strip of Plasti-Liner on troublesome upper or lower. Bite and it molds perfectly. Easy to use, tasteless, odorless, harmless to you and your plates. Removable as directed. Money back guarantee. At your drug counter. Only $1.50. BRIMMS PLASTI-LINER THE PERMANENT DENTURE RELINER Prize ANGORA KITTEN REAL CUD Here s the life-like family pet that’s a real joy rUlf to own. Full life-size — 18-tnches long with silky coat of finest pure Angora bunny fur. A wonderful sleepy time pal for all boys and girls. A homey room decoration for Sis or Mom. Cute as can be with pink felt ears, embroidered nose, sparkling blue glass eyes. Only $2.98 cash or C.O.D. plus postage. Order today — money back if not 100% delighted. NIRESK INDUSTRIES Dept. FC-31, Chicago 40, FREE! NATIONALLY FAMOUS BRANDS SHEETS • BEDSPREADS • BLANKETS CURTAINS • TOWELS • TOASTERS "^ MIXERS • DRESSES • SWEATERS AND 1,001 OTHER THINGS without one cent cost Mail coupon NOW for 264-page FULL COLOR Merchandise Book, chockful of Big Values and Famous National Brands. Quick as a wink you can start a shop-by-mail club with a few friends. They pay only $1 a week for $10 order and get Free Gifts worth up to $3.95. YOU don’t have to buy anything. YOU receive FREE $25, $50. $75 and more in merchandise just for sending in your friends’ orders. Everything you want for yourself, family and home, you get FREE for a few minutes of your time. It’s easy. No experience needed. Don’t miss this opportunity. We serve only EAST of the Mississippi GRACE HOLMES, Dept. 136 UNION, N. J. GRACE HOLMES CLUB PLAN Dept. 136, Union, N. J. I am interested in receiving Free Merchandise. Send me FREE 264-page Full-Color Book and also details of how I can win a Chevrolet. Name . Address . City. . . . Zone .... State . . .