Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1956)

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planned just for you by Greyhound ! It’s the perfect picture . . . you in your favorite sunshine vacation spot, carefree, gay . . . with your hotel accommodations, special sightseeing, all travel details personalized for your pleasure and included in one low price! Go anywhere in America "on your own" — choose individual fours tike these: NEW YORK CITY-4 days from Boston Big Magic Manhattan $ 51.00 FLORIDA-13 days from Cleveland Tropical Sun and Miami $115.00 CALIFORNIA-14 days from Chicago The Golden West and Hollywood $118.20 LAS VEGAS-3 days from Los Angeles Gay and unforgettable $ 21.31 Many Escorted Tours to choose from I Ask about these personallyescorted trips aboard your own "private" Greyhound, with congenial companions! All prices subject to change. U. S. tax extra. IREI! COLORFUL GREYHOUND TOUR FOLDER Greyhound Tour Dept., 71 W. Lake St., Chicago 1, Illinois I'd like to visit (place) . Name Address . City & State GR FAVORITE OF AMERICA’S MOVIEGOERS FOR OVER FORTY YEARS PHOTOPLAY Your December issue will be on sale at your newsstand on November 6 November 1 956 SPECIAL EVENTS Casts of Current Pictures 4 “Get Rich Quick” Robertson (Cliff Robertson ) 6 Readers Inc 8 Over the Editor’s Shoulder 18 What Should I Do?... .Spring Byington 26 Let’s Go to the Movies Janet Graves 34 Brief Reviews 40 HIGH LIGHTS Cal York’s Inside Stuff 20 The Girl with the Lavender Life (Kim Novak) George Scullin 43 You’d Take Him Home to Mother (Tony Perkins) Beverly Ott 46 She Couldn’t Say Yes! She Couldn’t Say No! (June Allyson) Dee Phillips 48 “Giant” (Photoplay’s Sneak Preview) 50 There Was a Boy (James Dean) William Bast 52 “Why, I Did Not!” (Terry Moore) Earl Wilson 54 Why the “Rebel” Craze Is Here to Stay (Brando, Mineo, Newman, Presley) Laura Lane 56 Odd Man Out (Elizabeth Taylor) Dick Williams 62 Glamour Gab of Hollywood Ruth Waterbury 64 Cut-out Picture Puzzle Contest 66 Love on the Run (Don Murray) •. Patty De Roulf 70 What Can Money Buy? (Kirk Douglas) John Maynard 72 That’s Hollywood for You Sidney Skolsky 92 LIVING WITH YOUNG IDEAS Vote the Party Line (Photoplay Star Fashions) 75 Your Hair Is Long — and You Love It (Beauty) Harriet Segman 82 What’s Spinning? (Records) Chris Daggett 84 Becoming Attractions, .... 86 Crossword Puzzle 87 Photoplay Patterns.... .... 88 Needle News 89 STARS IN FULL COLOR Tony Perkins . 46 Elizabeth Taylor 51 Terry Moore .... 55 . 48 51 Marlon Brando 57 James Dean . 50 Mercedes McCambridge 51 Elvis Presley .... 57 Cover: Color portrait of Kim Novak, star of “The Eddy Duchin Story,” soon to be seen in Jeanne Eagels Story,” is by Coburn. Other color picture credits are on page 113. ‘The EDITORIAL STAFF ANN HIGGINBOTHAM — Editorial Director ISABEL MOORE — Editor ELLEN TAUSSIG — Managing Editor RON TAYLOR — Art Director JULES SALTMAN — Associate Editor JANET GRAVES — Contributing Editor HERMINE CANTOR KAMiNS — Fashion Editor HARRY MATETSKY — Assistant Art Director HOLLYWOOD NORMAN SIEGEL — Editor HELEN LIMKE— Assistant West Coast Editor Contributing Editors: maxine Arnold, jerry asher, ruth waterbury Photographer: Roger marshutz NOVEMBER 1956 VOL. 50, NO. ,xt» . PHOTOPLAY IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY by Macfadden Publications. Inc., New YorR. N. Y. * EXECUTIVE, ADVERTISING AND EDITORIAL OFFICES at 205 East 42nd Street. New York 17. N. T Editorial branch office, 321 South Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif. Irving S. Manheimer, President Lee Andrews, Vice-President: Meyer Dworkin, Secretary and Treasurer. Advertising offices also l Chicago and San Francisco. _ . ^ SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $2.00 one year, U. S. and Possessions. Canada $2.50 one year. $4.00 pe ctfAN^SE ADDRESS: 6 weeks* notice essential. When possible, please furnish stencil-impressio address from a recent issue. Address change can be made only if we have your old as well as your new address Write to Photoplay, Macfadden Publications, Inc., 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17. N. Y. . . v^icTYonsibl MANUSCRIPTS^ DRAWINGS AND PHOTOGRAPHS will be carefully considered but publisher cannot be fo? loss' or dlLfge U is ad"“able ™ a duplicate copy /or your records Only material accompanied Stamped, self-addressed envelopes or with sufficient return postage ^11 ^ retui^d. street, Ne’ ; FOREIGN editions handled through Macfadden Publications 4Asna York 17, N. Y. Irving S. Manheimer, President; Douglas Lockhart, Vice-President. „nder the Act o) ^ RclenteVed as Second Class Matter May 10, at the Post Office at New York^ N^ Y.. underg the ^Ac March 3, 1879. Authorized as Second Class mall P. O. t 'invention All rights reserve fadden publications, Inc. All rights reserved under '"WT'anonM Copyrtght ^nventlon. p o under Pan American Copyright Convention. T^os dercchos P?mted In U. S. A. by A' Propledad Llterarla y Artistica. Title trademark registered in U. S. Patent Office, princeu in Color Printing Company. Member of True Story Women's Group 2