Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1956)

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p all-new Angel Face has Ordinary dry pressed powder “soaks up” moisture from your skin and changes color — just as it “soaks up” these water drops — and discolors. New “Stay-Fresh” Angel Face won’t “soak up” moisture and darken because Angel Face is triple creamed — -proofed against moisture discoloration! Won’t streak ... won’t discolor from skin moisture! Newest, most flattering powder and foundation in-one — So radiantly fresh! Hours after you apply new triple creamed Angel Face, your complexion still has a smooth, delicate, almost ptore-less look. There’s no dry caking. No discoloring in the “damp pore” areas of your face. In just 5 seconds, Angel Face gives you a complete “Stay-Fresh” make-up. Perfect to carry— it can’t spill. New! The “Date” Case— the very feminine new pink compact with mirror and puff, 79(1:*. Other distinctive Angel Face cases — $H. .. 59(1!’^. All in WHAT SHOULH I DO? Continued in your lifetime. Since your particular in terests are art and the theatre, some of youi cards would undoubtedly read, “New York’: Metropolitan Museum of Art,” “Heler. Hayes in her current play,” “The Lunts ir, their current play,” “Venice,” “Florence’: Uffizi Gallery.” and “Shakespearean play: at .Stratford-on-Avon.” Some of the cards will belong in om geographical section, some in another. Natu rally, at this time, it is likely that you wil want to do those things nearest at hand and it shouldn’t be necessary for you U use up all your inheritance to accomplisl what should prove to be the first step in series of wonderful experiences. Sometimes a windfall like that you havi described can be used to open many doors not fust one. QI don’t mind telling you I had t( blow my stack before I got u] enough steam to sit down like this an( write to a lady wailing wall, if you’ll ex cuse the expression. I blew my stack because my dear littb wife came home late tonight with the ex planation that she had been hacktrackin; through shops all afternoon, trying to find ■< blouse that she had hought (price S12.95 and had lost somewhere. She told me, “ didn’t really need the blouse, but I bough it because Ruth had bought one and ' wanted to show her I could buy anythin; she could buy.” I showed her a past-due notice that hac arrived in the mail that day and asked he what she had done with the money I ha( given her to pay the light bill. She opene( those beautiful big blue eyes and said “Gosh, I’ll just bet that’s the money I use( for the bridge prize. I thought I seemei flush in my household account last week.’ Then she said, “By the way, I bought ; meerschaum pipe for my dad for his birth day and had it shipped and charged, si we’ll have to put that in the budget. He’ always wanted a really good pipe, so know he’ll be tickled.” The three things, all happening the sam night, were too m-uch. I yelled and said sh was bankrupting me and that she couldn’ count her own fingers and get a righ answer, and I don’t know what all. Sh went into the bedroom, having hysterics and locked the door. But something has go to be done. How do you teacb a wife t help a guy stay solvent? She worked be fore we were married — she ought to knot the score. I just don’t know what to do. Bob 1 4 Any mother of several children coul diagnose your problem instantly: Ur, ortunately, Mr. T ., your “little wife” i ^responsible and immature, and not to b rusted with your financial welfare. I don’t intend these words to be harsl ’he truth is that the world is full of pec le who never grow up to understand th onnection between arithmetic and thei wn happiness. I gather that you are the sole source o icome at this time, and that you have n imily. W'hy wouldn’t it be a good idea fo our wife to seek employment again, .sine ou .say she worked before you were mar <ed? It’s amazing how wise some peopl an be with their own money, and hoi pendthrift with that of someone else. In any case, it would seem sensible fo ou to pay all the household bills, take ful nancial responsibility, and then dole ou minimum sum for your wife’s pin money realize that such a suggestion inay b ^ ^ '