Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1958)

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girl, was turned into a carnival, with crowds trampling the lawns. She made two heart-breaking attempts to have a baby, although she has an RH blood factor that makes bearing children difficult and dangerous. A miscarriage of the first child almost cost her life. When the second was tragically lost after a fall down a flight of steps, her hopes were blasted. In 1952, she was divorced from Topping, left with only a mortgaged mansion. In a feverish romance with fiery Fernando Lamas, she tried to forget, but it ended in a brawl at a Hollywood party — Fernando walking out on her and turning to Arlene Dahl; Lana turning to Arlene’s ex, Lex Barker. They were married in Italy in 1953. Again, Lana tried to save the marriage by having a baby, but suffered a third miscarriage. Through it all, little Cheryl was growing up fast. She had to. “My little Mommy,” she called Lana, protectively. But inside, she was hurt and disturbed. “My mother and father fight all the time,” she confessed to Miguel Acosta, the kindly man who found her wandering in Skid Row a year ago because she “hated school” and turned her over to the police. Lana’s solution was another school for Cheryl — and a divorce from Lex. “I think men are exciting,” Lana said recently. “The gal who denies that men are exciting is either a lady with no red corpuscles, or a saint.” Johnny Stompanato called her up. She found him exciting. Friends warned her, but how could she listen? The men she loved had always left her; those she didn’t, she had left. Why would this be different? It was horribly different ... “I was walking toward the bedroom door and he was right behind me, and I opened it, and my daughter came in, and I swear it was so fast I truthfully thought she had hit him in the stomach . . .” For Johnny Stompanato, it ended near her bed, on a pink carpet. For Cheryl, it ended with a verdict of justifiable homicide, and the protection of the court, which placed her in two months’ temporary custody of her grandmother, Mildred Turner. For Lana, it has not ended. Her career was not damaged, apparently. Her first independent production for her own company, “Another Time, Another Place,” was immediately booked into 800 theaters, and will net her a fortune. Producers have stated that they would not hesitate to use her, and Jerry Wald is seeking her for “The Sound and The Fury.” But — she, Cheryl and Steve Crane have been slapped with a $750,000 suit on behalf of Stompanato’s son. Johnny’s relatives charge that the whole story has not been told, and ask why, if Stompanato was struck in the stomach, he landed on his back? She and her lawyer, Jerry Giesler, have received mysterious phone threats, alarming enough to call for twenty-four-hour police protection. Worst of all is the fear that she will lose her daughter. Cheryl was reported to have told a psychiatrist, “I love both my parents, but I would prefer to live with my father,” as lawyers on both sides prepared for battle. But Karl Holt, director of the County Probation Dept, said, “She thought perhaps she would not be allowed to go back to her mother,” and that being in the middle had “upset her completely.” No, Lana Turner’s troubles haven’t ended. They have just begun. But is she guilty? Or is she the victim of a life she never sought? Here are the facts. Judge for yourself. The End NEW LUSTREFLAME LIPSTICK Popular Flame-Glo now contains a shining new ingredient to glisten your lips . . . make you adorably kissable. Stays on satin-smooth, dewy -fresh until YOU take it off. 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