Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1960)

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SEPTEMBER, 1960 VOL 58, NO. 3 brings you the art of eye makeup a different you for every fashion look! EXOTIC EYES... need a thin brush stroke of Lashbrite, non-smear Liquid Eyeliner blended upward. Try Black, Brown, also Iridescent colors of Turquoise, Green, Violet, Blue, Gold, Silver. 490* VELVETY LASHES.. .a flick of Lashbrite's Swirl-on Mascara does it. Waterproof, too. Carry it everywhere in its elegant brushed gold case. In Jet Black, Blue or Velvet Brown. 790* i l BEWITCHING EYES., created with Lashbrite’s Shadow Tones in three fancy-free hues plus Silver and Gold for dramatic effects ...all in one palette. 590* Golden-Cased Eye Shadow stick in five fabulous Iridescent colors. 590 prices that make your budget sing! In all Variety, Drug and Chain Stores *plus tax Prices slightly higher in Canada THEON CO., NEW YORK THEON LTD., MONTREAL PHOTOPLAY FAVORITE OF AMERICA'S MOVIEGOERS FOR OVER FORTY YEARS DEBBIE REYNOLDS TUESDAY WELD and ELVIS PRESLEY GRACE KELLY EXCLUSIVE 25 Why Debbie Must Keep Her Real Love Out of the Family Picture by Mill Johnson 32 Can Tuesday Hold on to Elvis? by Robert Dean 56 Please God, Don’t Let My Father See Me Cry by Ruth Britten TWENTY-PAGE LOVE SECTION 36 How to Fall in Love TROY DONAHUE 38 Birds and Bees ANNETTE FUNICELLO 43 A Real Nothing Date TOMMY SANDS and 46 When You’re Far Away by Flora Rand NANCY SINATRA DORIS DAY 48 What Kind of Wife 50 Ten Men Answer: What Is a Good Wife? 51 Which Man is it for You? 52 Ten Steps to a Happily Ever After MOLLY BEE 54 My Favorite Daydream LORETTA YOUNG BOB CONRAD CAROL LYNLEY JERRY LEWIS GARDNER MCKAY TY HARDIN and ANDRA MARTIN ARTICLES AND SPECIAL FEATURES 28 When Everyone You Love Has Left You by Charlotte Dinter 30 Read This If You Feel Like You’re a Nobody by Marcia Borie 34 “I Know They’re Talking About Me Behind My Back” by Carol as told to Martin Cohen 58 “I Always Play With Daddy” by Chris Lewis 60 “I was Gardner McKay's wife” by Kerry Smith as told to Tricia Hurst 62 How a Dream of Love Turns Into a Nightmare by Jim Hoffman YOUNG IDEAS 6 Monthly Record 68 Your Needlework 8 Readers Inc. 70 Becoming Attractions 10 Your Monthly Ballot 79 Answers to August's Puzzle NEWS AND REVIEWS 4 Hollywood For You by Skolsky 17 Go Out to a Movie 14 Now Playing (Brief Reviews) 20 Inside Stuff by Sara Hamilton 92 Casts of Current Pictures COVER PHOTO: Doris Day by Jack Albin for Pictorial Parade EVELYN PAIN, Editor KENNETH CUNNINGHAM, Art Director NORMAN SIEGEL, West Coast Editor claire safran, Managing Editor rate palumbo. Fashion Editor rose enclander. Associate Editor june clark, Beauty Editor tobi feldstein. Assistant Editor Roger marshutz. Staff Photographer jim hoffman, VIVIEN MAZZONE, Contributing Editors joan clarke. Assistant Art Director anne kanes. Assistant to Editor marcia borie. West Coast Contributor Your October issue will be on sale at your newsstand on Sept. 6th Photoplay is Published Monthly by Macfadden Publications, Inc., New York, N. Y Executive, Advertising and Editorial Offices at 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. Editorial branch office, 321 South Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif. Irving S. Manheimer, President; Lee Andrews, Vice-President; S. N. Himmelman, Vice-President; Meyer Dworkin, Secretary and Treasurer. Advertising offices also in Chicago and San Francisco. Subscription Rates: $2.50 one year, $4.00 two years, $5.50 three years in U. S.. its possessions and Canada $5.00 per year all other countries Change of Address: 6 weeks notice essential When possible, please furnish stencil-impression address from a recent issue Address change can be made only if we have your old as well as your new address. Write to Photoplay, Macfadden Publications. Inc 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y Manuscripts, Drawings and Photographs will be carefully considered but publisher cannot be responsible for loss or damage It is advisable to keep a duplicate copy for your records. Only material accompanied by stamped self-addressed envelopes or with sufficient postage will be returned Foreign editions handled through Macfadden Publications International Corp., 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17 N Y Irving S. Manheimer, President; Douglas Lockhart Vice-President. Re-entered as Second Class matter May 10, 1946 at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Second-class postage paid at New York, N Y., and other post offices. Authorized as Second Class Mail P. O. Dept., Ottawa, Ont., Canada Copyright 1960 by Macfadden Publications, Inc. All rights reserved Copyright under the Universal Copyrigh* Convention and International Copyright Convention. Copyright reserved under Pan American Copyright Convention Todos derechos reservados segun la Convencion Panamericana de Propiedad Literaria y Artistica. Title trademark registered in U S Patent Office Printed in U S A by Art Color Printing Company Member of True Story Women’s Group.