Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1962)

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DO YOU KNOW YOUR ABC’s ? ABC ! Three magic letters. To the little boy or girl in the first grade, they are the open sesame to knowledge. To the broadcasting world, they are the call letters of a giant TV and radio network. To an editor, ABC spells out the fact that YOU are buying his magazine. How? Because ABC stands for the Audit Bureau of Circulation, a non-profit association that keeps count of how many copies of a magazine are sold each and every month of the year. Why is the Bureau so vital a part of the publishing industry? Because only through its services can publishers learn what YOU, the reader, want to buy, what magazines interest YOU, what publications are gaining new readers or losing old ones. PHOTOPLAY has had a long and happy relationship with the Audit Bureau of Circulation. We are particularly happy that, in the near future, it will publish figures showing that, for the first six months of 1962, PHOTOPLAY has been selling better than ever. We are proud to be the largest entertainment magazine in the United States. We are grateful to YOU for making this possible. p 12