Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1947)

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p 24 Insertion is easy with Fibs tampons . . . because Fibs have gently rounded ends. You’ll see, when you switch to Fibs and find at last — a tampon that’s easy to use! You scarcely know you’re wearing Fibs, because "quilting” makes this tampon really comfortable. You see, quilting keeps Fibs from fluffing up to an uncomfortable size . . . which could cause pressure, irritation or difficult removal. Remember the tampon that’s quilted for your comfort: Fibs. 3. "Quilted” Safety Quilting adds to your peace of mind — because it helps prevent cotton particles from clinging to delicate internal tissues—a Fibs safeguard women always appreciate. Only Fibs are quilted for your safety. So next month, switch to Fibs for internal sanitary protection. INSIDE STUFF Dinah Shore, A1 Jolson mix moods oil Lux Show Home and happy: Bob Taylor and Barbara Stanwyck at welcome-home party given for them by David Niven on the Enterprise lot ( Continued from page 22) young'sters in love. They attempt neither sophistication nor blase indifference. “Isn’t she beautiful, or am I crazy?” Guy kept asking Cal, and the way Gail looked at Guy revealed she felt the same. They were all over the place, in the kitchen, in the icebox, like neighborhood kids wbo come visiting. “What do you do between pictures?” we asked Guy. “Oh, go to the beach,” he said. “Gail doesn’t like the ocean so I hurry back and we sit in the sun. I guess I just look after my little girl,” he smiled with masculine pride. Gail decided that what Cal needed was a good oil painting of himself and she was the one to do it, so without quite knowing how, we found ourselves posing for pencil sketches which Gail will later transfer to canvas. On Guy’s left hand he wore a wedding ring. “When are you two kids going to get married?” we said. Guy looked down at his ring. “When she’ll have me,” he said. “I’m ready when she is.” So don’t be surprised at anything that happens — and soon. The Inside on the Clarks: “You’re going to dinner with Dane and me,” Margo Clark said, “and no excuses.” But Cal had already made plans to attend the Jean Sablon opening at Ciro’s and had to refuse. But we did learn the present marital status between Margo and Clark. Margo had returned from her estrangement from Dane in New York to divorce the actor. But once here, the couple decided to try again, as Margo freely admits she loves Dane and was in hopeless despair without him. Dane loves and needs Margo, too, so the pair decided to reconcile. But somehow things weren’t the same, as is so often the case. Having relinquished a promising career as a pianist, Margo now felt the need of individual expression, of being the accomplished person she was when Dane knew and fell in love with her. So, after long talks, she has decided to return to New York and take some art and designing courses. When Dane joins her in early summer they will again discuss their still undecided future, and perhaps go to Europe together. Both are trying in an adult way to adjust themselves to a reapproach to marriage. Cal sincerely hopes it works out. Romance First Hand: Handsome Michael North, who will disturb feminine hearts when “The Unsuspected” is released, and the girl he adores, Audrey Totter, dropped in for a cocktail. Mike certainly doesn’t conceal his admiration for Audrey. He laughed loudest at her tales of her radio experiences, even above the shouts of Glenn Ford, Kurt Kreuger and Hurd Hatfield. After the others ( Continued on page 26)