Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1947)

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p $15 Cold Wave Formula . . judged highest standard in lab tests . . easy as putting your hair in curlers . . conditions any hair, good for children . . money back guarantee developed by professional hairdresser with 15 years' know-how in permanenting every kind of hairl Inc. Fed. Tox and mailing charge Eileen Home Cold Wave answers your wish for hair beauty, permanently yours . . . more economically, more quickly, more easily than ever! Eileen transforms your hair into glowing new beauty . . . takes an hour or less at home . . . easy-to-follow instructions . . . lasts long as the finest professional waves! Don't wait! Send your order today! Coronet Beauty Products, Inc., Htfd. I, Conn. Please send me Eileen Home Wave Kits at $2 per kit (includes tax and mailing costs). I am enclosing $ .... Name - Address City State — INSIDE STUFF European invasion: Feminine hearts will pit-a-pat at Louis Jourdan, Gallic star in “The Paradine Case” (first pic here) And Valli, Italian importation, “most beautiful woman in Europe,” with Alfred Hitchcock, picture’s director ( Continued from page 24) had left, and Audrey, Mike and Cal had gone to dinner, he told us that he’d been knocked cold from the moment Audrey walked on the set. “I’m really crazy about her but she won’t take me seriously,” he said. We could have told Mike that perhaps Audrey is more interested in a career at the moment than romance. Anyway our conscience hurt us a bit. Only that morning we’d given Audrey’s phone number to Cesar Romero who had met her once. 01^ well, we like both lads and Audrey too. So now we’ll see. Cocktails and Art: It was a small party for cocktails at Lady Mendl’s: Van and Evie Johnson, Cal and Nelson Seabra of Rio, Sir Charles and their house guest Richard Ney. Later we were taken over the house by Lady Mendl and came away convinced this was the loveliest and most ingeniously decorated of homes. “My autographed book for you,” Lady Mendl said and presented Cal with “Elsie De Wolfe’s (her maiden name) Recipes for Successful Dining,” which Lady Mendl had had printed herself to be sold for the needy of France. When we suggested many of our readers would love having the book, the author, who has now left for France, suggested they write to Gloria Bristol’s salon on Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, California, for a copy which costs three dollars, plus postage. The next week Cal met Tony Duquette at a swank exhibition of his work. He’s the young artist Lady Mendl is sponsoring and who created so many of the beautiful things in her home. Tyrone: “Come over to my dressing room,” Tyrone Power had said. “I’ll meet you there.” In a suite, large as many an apartment and tastefully furnished, we waited for the actor to arrive from the “Captain from Castile” set. Soon we heard his voice as he entered the outer office and went to meet him. In a few minutes we were off to the studio cafe for lunch. Lloyd Nolan came over to ask Tyrone if he minded if his luncheon guests came over for his autograph. Without a moment’s hesitation, Ty went to their table, was graciousness and kindness itself. Back in his dressing room, Ty showed us pictures of his South American trip and smiled when we raved over his steam cabinet, the beautiful radio-phonograph, maple furniture, etc. “A body could very well live here,” we remarked. “A body may very well have to if this body doesn’t get somewhere to live soon,” he laughed. Ginny and Hyatt: Picking up Bob and Cleatus Hutton we drove up the mountain side to the beautiful new modern home of Ginny Simms and Hyatt Dehn. The cocktail party was in full swing when we got there and after greeting the hostess, we were taken upstairs by the host to see the mirrored window that permitted the couple to view their little son asleep in his crib in the next room. Howard Hughes sat down for a chat and Bob and Mary Cummings proudly showed us pictures of their son. Frances Langford and ( Continued on page 29) 26