Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1947)

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p Are you one of those who thought Hollywood was ungrateful in fighting the Fans’ Convention? If so, you should read this IS Hollywood inhospitable to the fans who support it? Is Hollywood being rude to the International Fan Club League which wants to hold a convention in honor of the stars? On the other hand: Is there a good reason why the fans shouldn’t meet in Hollywood and see their favorites? Would it be dangerous to turn a national convention of fans loose in Hollywood? Could the studios sponsor or cooperate with such a convention? Hollywood has been unhappily aware of the fact that it was sitting on top of a firstclass volcano. It all began last November with Mrs. Ellen E. Roufs, President of the International Fan Club League. Mrs. Roufs operates a mimeographing service and was launched in this business by the fan club she formed for James Stewart six years ago. Subsequently, she formed other clubs to which she extended her mimeographing service. Then, last November, Mrs. Roufs had an idea. Then and there she put it into effect. She sent bulletins to the presidents of the five hundred member clubs of the International League suggesting a Hollywood convention during the month of June. Mrs. Roufs hoped, she stated, to hold a dance at which the stars would be present, to take fans through the studios, to have the stars present at a tea and open forum. And she vlanned, she announced, to use the Masonic 39